
Launchpad Student Success Center

Meet Our Advising Team

Photo of Tenika Burgess

First-Year Programs Advised:
All students in: Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Exercise Science, Multidisciplinary Studies, Special Education, Secondary Education
Students with Last Names M-Z in: Psychology
Phone: (931) 372-3838
Office Location: Volpe Library 180
More about me...
What advice would you give to a new student?
Allow yourself to make mistakes but LEARN from them so that NO experience is wasted because discovering what you DO NOT want to do most likely will lead you to what you DO WANT.
Name one hobby that you have...
Theatre including storytelling, applied theater, and creating.
What is one stress buster that you use?
Time outdoors with family.
What do you like most about Tech?
The people and the beautiful campus close to nature and bigger cities.

Photo of Susan Cadle

First-Year Programs Advised:
All students in: Agriculture, Animal Science, Human Ecology, Design Studies, Chemical Engineering & College of Interdisciplinary Studies - Interest Chemical Engineering
Phone: (931) 372-6277
Office Location: Volpe Library 180
More about me...
What advice would you give to a new student?
Enjoy every minute of your college experience. The time will go by very fast.
Name one hobby that you have...
Traveling is so fun! Even when things happen that are not planned, it allows me to learn something new.
What is one stress buster that you use?
Organizing my space. If I feel my things and thoughts are out of order I will regroup, rethink, and redo.
What do you like most about Tech?
Isn’t the campus beautiful?! There are a lot of places to see and be at Tech.

Photo of Vicki Davis

First-Year Programs Advised:
All students in: Mechanical Engineering & College of Interdisciplinary Studies - Interest Mechanical Engineering, Nuclear Engineering & College of Interdisciplinary Studies - Interest Nuclear Engineering, Interdisciplinary Studies (LIST), Professional Studies, Communication, Environmental & Sustainability Studies
Phone: (931) 372-6846
Office Location: Volpe Library 180
More about me...
What advice would you give to a new student?
Ask questions early and often. Figuring things out on your own is an important skill, but so is knowing when you’re stuck and who to talk to about it. You have a whole team of professionals here to help, so take advantage of these resources!
Name one hobby that you have...
I’m a roller skater. Note: I did not say a *good* roller skater.
What is one stress buster that you use?
I keep a glitter jar at my desk. When I get overwhelmed, I shake it up and watch the flakes float back to the bottom.
What do you like most about Tech?
The quality of the education. As a Tech grad myself, I can attest to the stellar preparation I received to be an effective thinker and communicator on the job.

Photo of Danyelle Hawkins

First-Year Programs Advised:
All students in:
Computer Science & College of Interdisciplinary Studies - Interest Computer Science, Manufacturing Engineering Technology & College of Interdisciplinary Studies - Interest Manufacturing Engineering Technology
Phone: (931) 372-6281
Office Location: Volpe Library 180
More about me...
What advice would you give to a new student?
Set goals. I believe each student needs a few short- and long-term goals to work toward. Once you know your schedule, get organized, make a plan, and start working on completing your goals.
Name one hobby that you have...
My family and I enjoy kayaking when we can find time. We visit different rivers in middle Tennessee. My husband and son fish from their kayaks. My daughter and I just float and take in the beauty of the day.
What is one stress buster that you use?
I find I am most at peace when I am outside. After a day at work, I love to sit on the back patio and listen to nature. I also spend time curating my flowers and garden.
What do you like most about Tech?
I love how Tech's buildings, greenspaces, and people create an educational ambience that surpasses all other Universities.

Photo of Kassi Thomas

First-Year Programs Advised:
All students in: Biology, Chemistry, Geosciences, English, Fine Arts (including Music and Art), Foreign Languages, History, Mathematics, Physics, Sociology, Political Science, Wildlife & Fisheries Science, International Business & Cultures
Additional Programs Advised: Undergraduate Special Non-Degree Seeking and Transient Students
Phone: (931) 372-6841
Office Location: Volpe Library 180
More about me...
What advice would you give to a new student?
‘This too shall pass’ – the good AND the bad! Enjoy the present by getting involved in your community, and don’t get overwhelmed by the day to day.
Name one hobby that you have...
Does rote memorization of the entirety of iMDB for the purposes of being a future “6 degrees of Kevin Bacon” Champion count as a hobby?
What is one stress buster that you use?
Comedy podcasts – laughter can be the best medicine.
What do you like most about Tech?
I love how student-centered the campus is. As a student, I always felt supported, listened to, and respected. As a staff member, I’m here to do the same for you!

Photo of Cassaundra Trapp

First-Year Programs Advised:
All students currently in: Basic Engineering & College of Interdisciplinary Studies - Interest Basic Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering & College of Interdisciplinary Studies - Interest Civil and Environmental Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering & College of Interdisciplinary Studies - Interest Electrical and Computer Engineering
Phone: (931) 372-6336
Office Location: Volpe Library 180
More about me...
What advice would you give to a new student?
Organization is key! Whether it be a planner or on your phone, you need something to keep up with all of your assignments for class, exams, or projects. You need to see what all you have going on so you can make time for things outside of class and work. Schedule time to attend campus events or events in the community. One of the most important things to remember is to make the most out of your college experience.
Name one hobby that you have...
I love spending time with my bernedoodle, WentWorth! We take an occasional trip to Starbucks for a pup cup!
What is one stress buster that you use?
When life gets stressful, reading allows me to escape into another world. I love to curl up on the couch with a good book, blanket, and of course WentWorth. I also light a candle to create a warm, cozy environment.
What do you like most about Tech?
Tech is my home away from home. I was a student here and fell in love with the campus and community.

Photo of Shelley Wiley

First-Year Programs Advised:
All students in: 
College of Interdisciplinary Studies - Interest Nursing
Students with Last Names A-L in:
Phone: (931) 372-3373
Office Location: Volpe Library 180
More about me...
What advice would you give to a new student?
Soak up every day of your college experience. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to grow as a person, discover your passion, meet lifelong friends, and prepare for your career. Embrace the good and the challenges! Find a way to get connected on campus and develop your own organizational methods to stay on track. Ask for help when you need it! Advisors are here to help, professors want to see you succeed, and the counseling center is available if you need extra support. Take advantage of campus resources and organizations! Be open to learning something new constantly. Do not let fear keep you from making the most of your college experience.
Name one hobby that you have...
Hiking in the mountains is my favorite thing in the world! If I can go with my Goldendoodle, my husband, or a friend, that is the perfect day. 
What is one stress buster that you use?
Taking a walk outside and deep breathing are my go-to strategies. I enjoy running in my spare time. I often recommend journaling, mindfulness, and spending time outside to my students - these activities are helpful for me too!
What do you like most about Tech?
I enjoy the beauty of campus, especially in the fall!

Photo of Kayla Wilson

First-Year Programs Advised:
All students in: Accounting, Basic Business, Business & Information Technology, Business Management, Economics, Finance, Marketing, College of Interdisciplinary Studies - Undecided
Phone: (931) 372-3834
Office Location: Volpe Library 180
More about me...
What advice would you give to a new student?
Stay flexible and be okay with not having your entire future figured out right now. Use this opportunity to explore everything you’re interested in and remember that you have an awesome team of advisors here who would love to assist you in getting things more figured out! 
Name one hobby that you have...
What is one stress buster that you use?
Journaling. Getting my thoughts out of my head onto paper gives me clarity and helps me to see that my problems are smaller than I thought. 
What do you like most about Tech?
I spent some of the best years of my life as a student here. 


Meet Our Directors

Photo of Tenika Burgess

Assistant Director
Programs Advised:
Serves as First-Year Success Coach
Phone: (931) 372-6850
Office Location: Volpe Library 180
More about me...
What advice would you give to a new student?
Allow yourself to make mistakes but LEARN from them so that NO experience is wasted because discovering what you DO NOT want to do most likely will lead you to what you DO WANT.
Name one hobby that you have...
Theatre including storytelling, applied theater, and creating.
What is one stress buster that you use?
Time outdoors with family.
What do you like most about Tech?
The people and the beautiful campus close to nature and bigger cities.

Photo of Angie Briggs

Phone: (931) 372-6176
Office Location: Volpe Library 180
More about me...
What advice would you give to a new student?
Make the most of your time in college. Savor it. It can be hard to appreciate school when you are stressed about an upcoming exam, but think about how fortunate you are to be in this season of life. Take the time to enjoy the process and learn something from everyone you meet. Set high standards for yourself both personally and academically and work toward living up to those. You can do anything and be anything you want. Let us help you!
Name one hobby that you have...
Running! I have run 28 marathons including Boston and NYC with the goal of running all 6 World Major Marathons.
What is one stress buster that you use?
Also, running.
What do you like most about Tech?
Tech is home to me. I loved my time here as a student. I feel fortunate to work here and contribute to the student experience.