
human resource aboutAbout the Program


Human Resource Management focuses on managing and developing an organization's workforce. Students learn about recruitment, employee relations, compensation, and training to optimize employee performance and satisfaction. Graduates are prepared to handle HR functions such as talent acquisition, benefits administration, and strategic planning to support organizational goals.



Career Opportunities

Engagement Opportunities

Degree Information




Society for Human Resource Management ›

The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)  is open to anyone interested in Human Resource Management. SHRM is the world’s largest HR professional society devoted to HR management, whose primary objectives include providing information to its members and advancing the HR profession in more than 165 countries. Involvement in SHRM is a great opportunity to learn from local Human Resource Management professionals as there are available internships, scholarships, and even online job listings. Students enrolled in a minimum of 6 credit hours are eligible to become national members.



Study Abroad ›

The College of Business is proud to offer study abroad programs to current students. We aim to personally customize your trip to best fit your academic and financial needs, location and cultural interests, and desired abroad experiences. We have two main study abroad opportunities specific to the College of Business: 

London Bridge


Addison Dorris Headshot

Internships ›

Internships play a massive role in departments across the entire College of Business. Featured to the left is Addison Dorris, who recently interned in Human Resources with Dollar General. Below is the testimonial she provided about her internship experience.

“During my internship, I developed my skillsets in project management, collaboration, human resources, and professional writing and design. Throughout the summer, I was able to take the lessons I learned in the classroom and apply them real-world situations. After this experience, I better understand how HR operates at a major corporation. This internship experience helped me realize that a career in Human Resources is the direction I want to take for my future!”

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