Physics - Make a Gift

Make a Gift to the Department of Physics

The Physics program at Tennessee Tech attracts exceptional students from across the state, and beyond, who go on to establish outstanding careers in science, industry, and many other areas. Several different scholarships provide much-needed support for these students throughout their undergraduate studies, as they work hard to develop their theoretical and practical skills. However, more support is always needed to attract more students to the program and support them while they are here.


If you would like to help support some of our nation’s future leaders in scientific research, application, and development, visit the College of Arts & Sciences giving page and select "Physics Restricted Account" from the dropdown menu. If you prefer to donate to a specific fund, please select "Other" from the dropdown menu and enter the name of the fund.  Specific funds are listed below. Your gift is truly appreciated!


Department of Physics Funding Opportunities

Dr. David Murdock Memorial Physics Scholarship Endowment is for junior or senior Physics majors with demonstrated academic excellence in Physics.

Algood and Elizabeth Carlen Scholarship Endowment is for Physics majors in good standing with a minimum G.P.A. of 3.0.

Frederick L. Culp Physics Scholarship Endowment is for prospective or current Physics majors who have proven academic excellence through grades, transcripts and letters of recommendation.


The Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Shannon, Jr., Physics Scholarship Endowment awards scholarships to Physics majors who have shown academic excellence in Physics.

The Paul Austin Arts and Sciences Endowment provides enrichment activities for departments in the College of Arts and Sciences including invited lecturers, awards, operational supplies and equipment which enhance the program(s).

Physics Alumni


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