Reserve Space On Campus
Our campus has a variety of venues available for events, meetings, and other activities. To make a reservation, view instructions on reserving a space below. Once you've selected a space, you can check availability on the calendar and complete the online request form to submit your reservation. Be sure to submit requests as early as possible, as spaces are available on a first-come, first-served basis. View available spaces »
As a student at Tennessee Tech, you have access to a variety of venues across campus for your club, organization, or departmental events. Before making a reservation request, be sure to read through the linked policies or any rules pertaining to your use before requesting a venue. Space requests are subject to approval and availability.
Students requesting to schedule a Tennessee Tech event on campus must complete the space reservation form with the event type "Student Event" selected. This Application form is required by students requesting to schedule a Tennessee Tech event on campus.
All student space reservation form submissions must be made at least three (3) days prior to the event start date.
For general questions about student requests, please contact:
Review Policy 121 - use of Tennessee Tech property
Reserve space for student event
» See additional procedures for Student Organization-sponsored event reservations
» View instructions on completing form
Faculty & Staff
As an employee, you can request to reserve a variety of venues across campus for departmental meetings, events, conferences, and more. To submit a reservation request, first determine the date, time, and general space needs for your event. Consider expected attendance and any technology/equipment needs.
Complete the online request form to submit your reservation. Be sure to indicate your department and provide details about the event and space requirements. If you need to cancel your event, you can reach out directly to the building contact to request the event be cancelled.
Please review the Faculty &Staff event reservation policies before requesting a venue.
Review Policy 121 - use of Tennessee Tech property
Review Policy 120 - Minors on Campus Policy
Non-Affiliated Users for Free Speech
Individuals, groups, or organizations that are not affiliated with Tennessee Tech may apply online to conduct free speech activities on the Centennial Plaza stage, subject to availability, at certain times during the semester. In order to ensure broad access to the space, Speakers are limited to two reservations per month for a period not exceeding sixteen hours monthly, regardless of whether they speak as an individual or on behalf of any group or organization. Applicants must specify all individuals who will speak on behalf of themselves or any group or organization.
Tennessee Tech does not endorse or approve any Speaker's message.
All applicants must affirm they have read and will comply with Policy 121 (Use of Tennessee Tech Property by Affiliated Users and for Free Speech Activities), which may be accessed through our Policy Central website by clicking the "public access" button. Enter "121" in the "Find…" bar and click the search button. Once selected, users may view and download the policy.
Applications for non-affiliated free speech activities must be submitted at least (5) days prior to the proposed activities.
Review Policy 121 - use of Tennessee Tech property
Following submission of a non-affiliated free speech application, the Dean of Students' office will contact you via the email address provided in the application within two (2) business days to:
- Confirm the Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Affairs' approval,
- Request additional or clarifying information, or
- Deny the request and provide the reason for denial.
Applications by users who do not respond to requests for additional or clarifying information within two (2) business days will be denied.
- » Location for Non-Affiliated Free Speech Activities
A non-affiliated user may apply for use of the Centennial Plaza, stage area only (Centennial Plaza — Stage/South Side) for free speech activities.
The Southwest corner and sidewalk along Peachtree Avenue adjacent to the RUC Backyard (RUC Backyard Clement Hall Side) is currently closed for construction. Please contact the Dean of Students at to inquire if an alternative temporary location is available.
TTU Policy 121, Section V. F.
Tennessee Tech Rule 0240-09-06-.03(5)Amplification Schedule for Centennial Plaza
Sound amplification is permitted during the following time frames:
Times sound amplification is permitted:
6:00 AM to 12:00 AM
4:30 PM to 12:00 AM
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
4:30 PM to 12:00 AMWednesday
4:30 PM to 12:00 AM
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
4:30 PM to 12:00 AMFriday
4:30 PM to 12:00 AM
6:00 AM to 12:00 AM
» Learn more about Free Speech at Tennessee Tech
For general questions about free speech requests, please contact
Non-Affiliates Renting Campus Spaces
Property Rental Application must be completed by any person, group, or organization that is requesting to schedule a non-Tennessee Tech event on campus. These are events that do not directly support Tech's educational, administrative, or research activities.
Property Rental Application - Appalachian Center for Craft
- This Event type is for the request of space at the Appalachian Center for Craft only. For general questions, please contact
Property Rental Application - Bryan Fine Arts
- This Event type is for the request of space at Bryan Fine Arts only. For general questions please contact or
Property Rental Application - Fitness Center
- This Event type is for the request of space at the Fitness Center only. For general questions please contact
Property Rental Application - Hyder-Burks Ag Pavilion
- This Event type is for the request of space at Hyder-Burks Ag Pavilion only. For general questions please contact
Property Rental Application - all other campus spaces
- This Event type is for the request of space for all other campus spaces. For general questions contact
All Property Rental Applications must be submitted at least fourteen (14) days prior to the event start date.
Available Spaces
Tennessee Tech has a variety of venues available for students, faculty, and staff to reserve for departmental or organizational meetings, events, and other activities that align with the institution’s educational and research mission. Certain spaces are also available to non-affiliated users for rental.
Browse some of our larger spaces below and submit a reservation request online, based on your user type (Student, Faculty/Staff, or Non-affiliated Rental), for your preferred date and location. A complete list of all available spaces will be available during the reservation process.
- » Roaden University Center (RUC)
Roaden University Center (RUC)
Multipurpose Room
Location: Second floor of Roaden University Center, Room 282
Capacity: Up to 700 depending on setup
Features: Clicker, Accessible, Laptop Power, Media Controller, Projector, Projector Screen, Tables, Wireless Microphones
Tech Pride Room
Location: First floor of Roaden University Center, Room 101
Capacity: Up to 300 depending on setup
Features: Accessible, PA System, Projector, Projector Screen - » Outdoor Venues
Available Outdoor Venues
Centennial Plaza
Main Quad
North Patio
RUC Back Patio
RUC Backyard
Walton ParkSound Amplification for Centennial Plaza
Sound amplification is permitted during the following time frames:
Times sound amplification is permitted:
6:00 AM to 12:00 AM
4:30 PM to 12:00 AM
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
4:30 PM to 12:00 AMWednesday
4:30 PM to 12:00 AM
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
4:30 PM to 12:00 AMFriday
4:30 PM to 12:00 AM
6:00 AM to 12:00 AM
How to Fill Out Reservation Form
In order to process your space reservation request, it is important that you fill out our online reservation form completely and accurately. Please take the time to provide all required information and details. This will help ensure your request is processed smoothly and avoid any delays.
The reservation form can be accessed using the links above or through Tech Express (faculty, staff, & students only) by choosing the "CDPublic" quick link.
When navigating through the reservation form, navigate to “Create an Event” on the bottom right corner of the page and select an event type from the dropdown. The fields you are asked to fill out on the form will vary depending on the Event Type you selected.
Required Fields – Anything marked with a red “required” flag must be completed in order to be able to submit the form successfully.
Meetings & Location Card
- Select “+ Add New Meeting” to complete this card.
- Click into any field to edit it.
- You must add at least one meeting in order to submit your request.
- Your event can have multiple meetings if you require multiple rooms or the event is spread across time (i.e. a recurring meeting)
Meetings & Locations Fields
- Check the “All day” box if your event spans the entire day.
- Input the Start Date and End Date of your Event.
- Input the Start Time and End Time of your Event.
- If your event will repeat, you can click into the “Repeat" box and define its recurrence
- Please Note: Spaces can only be reserved up to the end of the current semester. In order to ensure your multi-day event is accurately displayed on the calendar we recommend users create a new meeting for each day of the event. This is because events will only display on the calendar if their meeting start date is within the date range of the month, week, or day calendar view.
- If you use the “Repeat” field or use “+ Add Meeting” option to add additional meetings,
and if any of those meetings
will not work, and the approver rejects the request, it will reject the whole request, not just the meeting that was
Choose “Select Room” to select your room. You can filter by Room features, or you can search for a specific room.
- Rooms that would result in a double-booking conflict will not show up in the available room list, if you select your dates and times first. If you select your room first, then enter your date and time, you will not be warned of a double booking till you try to submit your event. If there is a double booking for the space you have requested then you will not be able to submit your event. You will need to pick another space or another date and time.
- Search for available rooms, and this will filter out your options based on the date and time range you requested.
- By default, Coursedog will filter out rooms with “Capacity” less than “How many will be attending”.
Choose “Add Resources” field to request equipment or services for your event.
- Resources are Equipment or services needed for the event. (i.e. Chairs, tables, etc.) If these items are needed this field must be completed.
- If Resources are not needed no action is required.
Event Information
- Please fill in all required fields and provide as many details about the event as possible.
- Please make sure to give your Event a unique name. This will help us look up your event if you have questions about it.
Contacts Card
- The Contacts card indicates who will need to be notified about the progress of the Event request.
- The person submitting the form will automatically be added as a contact, but you can change that and/or add an additional contact by selecting “+Add New Contact”.
- You can toggle “Send Email Notifications” to yes, if you would like for the contact to receive email notifications pertaining to this request.
Specific Event Needs
- Answer the required fields for this card as appropriate to your event.
- If your event requires any special needs you must fill out the Special Events Items Request Form that is linked and attach the form to the request by clicking add files button.
- Quote is for Facilities to add an invoice if any charges are necessary when the request
stops at
their workflow step.
Admission or Registration Fees
- Answer the required field if your Event will require an admission or registration Fee, or not.
- Specify the amount of the fee if applicable.
- Answer the required field if your Event will have minors present for the event, or not.
Terms and Conditions Acknowledgement
- Make sure to read all of the Terms and Conditions and any Policies that are linked
in this card before
When you have finished filling out the form click “Submit".
A confirmation email will be sent from