Exceptional Learning Ph.D. - Student Highlights

Student Highlights


  • 2018

    Akenson, A. B. (2018). Since feeling is first and no feeling is final: the mindfulness-based stress reduction implementation for chronic illnesses (MBSR-ICI) program planning and evaluation model. (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertation and Theses. (10784584).

    Akenson, A. B., Killian, M. R., Chitiyo, G., Kolodziej, N., & Akenson, A. B. (2018). Examining the underlying structure of adult literacy habits at home and work. (under review)

    Bishop, T. (2018). Rurality, food insecurity, disability, among other things: One poststructural account of power and affectual materials in an elementary school. (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertation and Theses. (10791823).

    Chitiyo, A. (2018). Between case effect size to combine group and single case designs: a meta-analysis of reading interventions for students with emotional and behavioral disorders. (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertation and Thesis. (10844116).

    Chitiyo, G., Wendt, S., Graves, L., & Akenson, A. B. (2018). Establishing interrater reliability and interrater agreement of a teacher observation rubric. (under review)

    Ramsey, E. (2018). The status of Tennessee foster parent training and support including fostering children with neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS), and the relationships of foster parents' perceived abilities and motivations with likelihood to continue fostering. (Doctoral Dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertation and Theses. (10788795).

    Roberts, A. G. (2018). An interpretive, pragmatic study of faculty experiences teaching online in agriscience and family and consumer science disciplines. (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertation and Theses. (10785744).

    Sisk, C., Chitiyo, G., & Akenson, A. B. (2018). Predictors of social relationships for children with special health care needs. Journal of Pediatric Nursing. (in press)

    Swafford, M., Ramsey, E., Chitiyo, R., & Shipley, L. (2018). Monograph Series: Does education impact attitudes toward social policy program and recipients who use them? Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences (in press).

    Wendt, S., Spears, A., & Fidan, P. (2018). Using children’s nonfiction trade books to address scientific misconceptions. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Educational Studies,12(3), 31–43. doi:10.18848/2327-011X/CGP/v12i03/31-43

  • 2017

    Chitiyo, A. (2017). A review of trends and behavioral interventions of autism in Zimbabwe. African Journal of Special and Inclusive Education (under-review).

    Eddins, S. & McGehee, N. J. (2017). The Evolution of a Regional STEM Center Proceedings of Interdisciplinary STEM Teaching & Learning Conference. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/stem/2017/2017/41

    Fidan, P. (2017). The Mediating Effect of High School Students’ Mathematics Interest on the Relationship Between Mathematics Self-Efficacy and Student-Level Factors. (Doctoral Dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertation and Theses. (10643067).

    Fidan, P., & Chitiyo, G., & Fidan, I. (2017). Evaluation of Undergraduate Summer Research Internships in Various Advanced Manufacturing Projects. Proceedings of ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Columbus, Ohio. https://peer.asee.org/28309

    Hutson, S. (2017). Women, Infants, and Young Children: Exploring Barriers to Social Assistance Programs in Rural Areas. (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertation and Theses. (10605910).

    Kerr, R. (2017). The effects of a bibliotherapy intervention compared to a psycho-educational intervention to improve awareness of self for students with emotional disturbance in a special day school. (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertation and Theses. (10605924).

    King, S. A., Chitiyo, A., & Sapp, D. L. (2017). Characteristics of literature reviews published in the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis (Submitted, under-review).

    King, S. A., Davidson, K. A., Chitiyo, A., & Apple, D. (2017). The replicability of literature reviews in special education research. Exceptional Children (Submitted, under-review).

    McGehee, Nikolas J. & Eddins, Scott, "Bringing STEM to rural school: Tennessee Tech STEMmobile" (2017). Proceedings of Interdisciplinary STEM Teaching & Learning Conference.

    Silber-Furman, D. (2017). Book review of Hajenko, T. Zapomniane inwalidztwo w dobie wychowania integracjonalnego. [The forgotten disability in the era of educational integration]. Wyzsza Szkola im. Bogdana Janskiego: Poland, Warszawa.

    Silber-Furman, D. (2017). Dare to Hope: A Criticalist Examination of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse International Graduate Students' Experiences in the Southeastern United States. (Doctoral dissertation Thesis). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertation and Thesis. (10268071).

    Silber-Furman, D. (2017). Vocabulary instruction: A meaningful approach, Tennessee Reading Teacher, 43(1), 60—74.

  • 2016

    Akenson, A. B. & Silber-Furman, D. (2016). Collaboration between parents of children with disabilities and their teachers. In M. Malik, T. Hanejko, & A. Marcinkiewicz (Eds.) Nuaczyciel w pracy z uczniem niepełnosprawnym (Tom II). [Parents who work with disabled students (Volume II)]. Warsaw, Poland: Skoła Wyższa im. Bogusława Jańskiego.

    Callender, A. L. (2016). Functional skills instruction in the school setting for children with developmental disabilities. (Doctoral Dissertation). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. (10154762).

    Chitiyo, J., Chitiyo, A., & Chitiyo, M. (2016). Psychosocial support for orphans and vulnerable children in alternative care system: Case for Zimbabwe. Journal of Childhood Education, 92(6), 465–469.

    Eldaba, A. (2016). Academic self-efficacy, social relationships, and English language proficiency as predictors of international students' college satisfaction (Doctoral dissertation). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. (1800547695).

    Eldaba. A. (2016): Adjusting the buckle of the Bible belt: International Muslim college students’ adaptive strategies to a university in the Southern region of the United States. International Journal of the Multicultural Education.

    Eldaba. A. (2016): An innovative model to design an academic and social development program for international college students. College Student Journal, 50(2), 171–178. http://www.projectinnovation.biz/college_student_journal

    Kennedy, K. (2016). A positive behavior intervention and support training package for school bus drivers. (Doctoral Dissertation Thesis). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. (10154764).

    Kilby, J. (2016). Developmental, standard, and advanced placement in English courses and subsequent success in selected college English courses, grade point average, and graduation. (Doctoral Dissertation Thesis). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. (10241223).

    King, S. A., Kennedy, K. K., & Dainty, H. (2016). Positive behavior interventions and supports: A promising approach to reducing bullying in schools. In A. Osanloo, C. Reed, & J. Schwartz (Eds.), Creating and Negotiating Collaborative Spaces for Socially-Just Anti-Bullying Interventions For K-12 Schools (pp. 335–354). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

    Leming, K. (2016). Effective instruction and assessment methods that lead to gains in critical thinking as measured by the Critical Thinking Assessment Test (CAT). (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertation and Theses. (10112435).

    Marcum, R. (2016). It's part of me: A narrative inquiry into the intersection of early childhood teachers' religious and teacher identities. (Doctoral Dissertation Thesis). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertation and Theses. (10242698).

    Powell, B., Ingle, H., Eddins, S., & McGehee, N. (2016). Makers on the move: Constructing an outreach program with a mobile maker space. Proceedings of 8th Annual First Year Engineering Experience (FYEE) Conference, The Ohio State University.

    Rogers, A. L. (2016). A picture of literacy: A photo-elicitation study of the sociocognitive interactive model of reading in fourth grade literacy classrooms. (Doctoral Dissertation Thesis). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertation and Theses. (10242218).

    Sisk, C. K. (2016). Children with special health care needs and disabilities: Perceptions of health care experiences. (Doctoral Dissertation Thesis). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertation and Theses. (10242687).

    Sisk, C. (2016). Predictors of difficulty making and keeping friends for children with special health care needs. Tennessee Association of Family & Consumer Sciences State Conference Proceedings.

    Sisk, C. (2016). Promoting children’s health-related quality of life. Pediatric Nursing, 42(2), 86–88.

    Sisk, C. (2016). The impact of a child’s illness: An empirical analysis. Child Life Focus, 34 (2), 13–18.

    Taylor, F. L. (2016). Administrators' and librarians' perceptions of the roles of school librarians as instructional leaders and teachers of information literacy skills. (Doctoral Dissertation Thesis). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertation and Theses. (10154736).

  • 2015

    Chrisler, A., Leigh, K., & Sisk, C. (2015). Is a doctoral program right for me? Child Life Bulletin, 33(4), 28–29.

    Fidan, P. (2015). QR Codes as differentiated instruction. Tennessee Council of Teachers of English, 3(2). 3–6.

    Harris, K. (2015). Assessing course impacts on critical thinking: The relationship between self-reported learning gains and performance. (Doctoral Dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. (3705421).

    Haynes, A., Lisic, E., Harris, K., Lemming, K., Shanks, K., Stein, B. (2015). Using the Critical Thinking Assessment Test (CAT) as a model for designing within-course assessments: Changing how faculty assess student learning. Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines, 3, 38–48.

    Hutson, S., Anderson, M., & Swafford, M. (2015). Applying the post-modern double ABC-X model to family food insecurity. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 107(1), 19–24.

    Lisic, E. (2015). Creating change: Implementing the critical thinking assessment test (CAT) as faculty development to improve instruction. (Doctoral Dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertation and Theses. (3722968).

    Meadows, J. (2015). More than accountability: Understanding teacher perceptions of evaluation, observation, and feedback in grades 3-8 mathematics instruction.

    Majors, T. (2015). Conceptual physics differences by pedagogy and gender: Questioning the deficit model. (Doctoral Dissertation Thesis). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. (3705426).

    Majors, T. & Engelhardt, P. (2015). Gender & LEAP pedagogy: What does the gender force concept inventory have to say? Proceedings of American Association of Physics Teachers.

    Marcum, R. (2015). One of her families. Tennessee’s Children, 55(2), 13–14.

    Meadows, J. R. (2015). More than accountability: Understanding teacher perceptions of evaluation, observation, and feedback in grades 3–8 mathematics instruction (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from Proquest Dissertation and Theses. (3740835).

    Pardue, S. & McGehee, N. (2015). Upper Cumberland Rural STEM Initiative (UCRSI) STEMmobile: a sustainable model for K-12 outreach. Proceedings of ASEE Southeast Section Conference.

    Rowe, M., Gillespie, M., Harris, K., Koether, S., Li-Jen, Y., & Rose, L. (2015). Redesigning a general education science course to promote critical thinking. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 14(3), ar30. doi: 10.1187/cbe.15-02-0032

    Sisk, C. (2015). Child life specialists: Partners for children and families in pediatric healthcare. Tennessee’s Children, 55(2), 7–9

    Strahlman, H. L. (2015). Past and future: An interpretive study of Heritage Language and Culture parents' perspectives on their children's education. (Doctoral Dissertation Thesis). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. (3740837).

    Swafford, M., Ramsey, E., & Self-Mullens, L. (2015). Promoting strong community alliances with public schools. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences (107)2, 18–22.

    Williams, R. D. (2015). An enigmatic tale: American Indians in Tennessee’s Upper Cumberland. In M. Birdwell & C. Dickinson (Eds.) People of the Upper Cumberland: Achievements & Contradictions (pp. 3-24). Knoxville: The University of Tennessee Press.

    Zagumny, L., Baker, J., & Bishop, T. (2015). Neoliberal assessments and the rise of the educator preparation program enterprise. In M. Abendroth & B. J. Porfilio (Eds.), Understanding neoliberal rule in higher education (pp. 131–147). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

  • 2014


    Chitiyo, R. A. (2014). Predictors of child neglect: Mothers' parentification, stress, marital status, education, and financial situation. (Doctoral Dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertation and Theses. (3626122).

    Chitiyo, R. A. (2014). Self-esteem: Development over time, and its manifestation in individuals with a history of abuse. Tennessee’s Children, 55(1), 6–9.

    Courtner, A. S. (2014). Impact of student engagement on academic performance and quality of relationships of traditional and nontraditional students. International Journal of Education, (6)2, 24–45.

    Dainty, H. T., Graves, L. M., & Callender, A. L., & Mamaeva, A. V. (2014). A foreign experience of designing an individual study program for children with disabilities (based on the Tennessee State’s example). In Add Editors Individual Education and Socialization in a Contemporary (Modern) Society. Proceedings of the IX International Scientific (Research) Conference(pp.) Krasnoyarsk, Russia: Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical University.

    Harris, K., Stein, B., Haynes, A., Lisic, E., & Leming, K. (2014). Identifying courses that improve students’ critical thinking skills using the CAT instrument: A case study. Proceedings of the International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, System Sciences, & Engineering, 10.

    Haynes, A., Lisic, E., Goltz, M., Stein, B., & Harris, K. (2016). CAT-Apps: Moving beyond just assessing to improving critical thinking skills. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 16(4), 44–61. doi: 10.14434/josotl.v16i4.19407

    Leigh, K., Morse, A., Cantrell, K., Sisk, C., & Chrisler, A. (2014). Is a PhD right for me? A conversation with child life specialists in doctoral programs. Child Life Focus, 32(2), 8.

    Spears, A. (2014). Mind(ful) mothering: A critical poststructural exploration of mothers’ resistance to dominant discourse on early literacy development. (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from Proquest Dissertation and Theses. (3673030).

    Spears, A. (2014). Reaching out to families: The need for literacy training programs for families of preschoolers. Tennessee’s Children, 55(1), 4–5.

    Wendt, S., Isbell, J.K., Fidan, P., & Pittman, C. (2015). Female elementary teacher candidates’ attitudes and self-efficacy for teaching engineering concepts. The International Journal of Science in Society, 7(3), 1–11.

  • 2013

    Dainty, H, T., Graves, L. M., & Callender, A. L. (2013). Individual plan of education as main document of educational program for children with disabilities. In A. V. Mamayeva, I. B. Agayeva, M. V. Ponarina, & Y. Y. Konovalova (Eds.), Problems of socializing and educating people with significant intellectual disabilities, (pp. 3–16). Krasnoyarsk, Russia: Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical University.

    Sisk, C. (2013). Reflecting on my journey from clinician to academician. Child Life Bulletin, 31(3), 4–5.


  • 2018

    Regional & National

    Burch, T. (2018). What does summer reading say about you? recreational reading and its relationship with introversion, gender, comprehension, and student performance. Association of Psychological Science Conference. New York City, NY. May 21–24.

    Chitiyo, A. (2018). A review of reviews and meta-analyses of reading interventions for students with emotional and behavioral disorders. American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences Conference. Las Vegas, NV. February.

    Chitiyo, A. & King, S. A. (2018). Between case effect size to combine single-case and group experimental designs: A meta-analysis of reading interventions for students with emotional and behavioral disorders. Association for Behavior Analysis International Conference. San Diego, CA. May.

    Clemons, M. & McGehee, N. (2018). Characteristics of a successful STEM middle school: Developing a framework for excellence in STEM schools. Tennessee STEM Education Research Conference. Murfreesboro, TN. February 2.

    Clemons, M., Robinson, S., & Engelhardt, P. (2018). Characterizing next gen PET assessments using the 3-D LAP. American Association of Physics Teachers Summer Conference. Washington, D.C. July 28–August 1.

    King, S. A. & Chitiyo, A. (2018). Characteristics of literature reviews published in Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. Association for Behavior Analysis International Conference. San Diego, CA. May.

    McMillan, E. (2018). Family literacy: What can we as parents do to help out students? Northside Neighborhood House Community Night. Chattanooga, TN. February.

    Powell, A. (2018). Health data analytics and precision medicine: Diabetes virtual reality. Oak Ridge, TN. February 23.

    Ramsey, E. (2018). The heart of the matter: The status of Tennessee foster parent training and support including fostering children with neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) and the relationships of foster parents’ perceived abilities, motivations, and likelihood to continue fostering. Tennessee Tech Women’s Club, Cookeville, TN, March 14.

    Williams, R. D. & Akenson, A. B. (2018). Demystifying (Im)possible things: alternative strategies for statistics pedagogy in higher education. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference. New York, NY. April 13–17.

    Woodward, C. (2018). Women’s stories of maintaining recovery. Research and Creative Inquiry Day, Tennessee Technological University. April 9.


    Chappell, J., Baker, J. C., & Ellis, A. (2017). Playoffs and payoffs: Game theory scenarios in higher education. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign, IL. May 17–20.

    Conley, C. F. & Kennedy, K. (2018). Challenges to cheers: A PBS training for parents and alternative education professionals. International Conference on Positive Behavior Support. San Diego, CA. March.

    Elizer, N. H. (2018). The evolution of academic identity. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign, IL. May 16–19.

    Elizer, N. H., Thomas, G., & Kelley, J. (2018). Traversing an equity-intentional, qualitatively-rich doctoral program: A new generation of engaged scholars pushing back in troubled times. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign, IL. May 16–19.

    Wendt, S., Spears, A. & Fidan, P. (2018). Using children’s nonfiction trade books to address scientific misconceptions. International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences. Granada, Spain. July.

    Williams, R.D., Akenson, J. E, & Rezwan, P. (2018). Intercontinental connections teaching country music: Germany to Cookeville—Winning the intercontinental country music course collaboration championship belt. International Country Music Conference. Nashville, TN. June 02.

    Zagumny, L. & Powell, A. (2018). Traversing an equity-intentional, qualitatively-rich doctoral program: A new generation of engaged scholars pushing back in troubled times. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign, IL. May 16–19.

  • 2017

    Regional & National

    Akenson, A. B., Garrett, R. C., Ablakwa, C., Chitiyo, G., & Zagumny, L. (2017). Reviewing the evaluation: Year 2 of a five-year chess in schools program. American Evaluation Association (AEA). Washington, DC. November 6–11.

    Brown, A. & Roberts, A. (2017). Office of Teacher Education Updates. Tennessee Technological University College of Education & Human Sciences Data Retreat, Cookeville, Tennessee. January 11.

    Brown, A., Roberts, A., & Jackson, G. (2017). Tennessee License Updates. White County Teachers In-service, Sparta, Tennessee. November 21.

    Brown, A., Roberts, A., & Jackson, G. (2017). Tennessee License Updates. Pickett County Teachers In-service, Byrdstown, Tennessee. July 31.

    Chitiyo, R., Ramsey, E., Swafford, M., & Shipley, L.A. (2017). Does Education impact student perception of social programs and recipients who use them? American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences. Dallas, TX, June.

    Conley, C. F. & Kennedy, K. (2017). A PBS Training for alternative school educators and parents. Conference of Teacher Educators for Children with Behavioral Disorders. Tempe, AZ. October.

    Conley, C. F. & Kennedy, K. (2017). Celebrating the successes while changing the challenges: using positive behavior supports. Wilson County Board of Education faculty training. Lebanon, TN. January.

    Conley, C. F. & Kennedy, K. (2017). Equipping parents: Using positive behavior supports in the home. Parent training. Lebanon, TN. February.

    Conley, C. F. & Kennedy, K. (2017). Supporting caregivers: A PBS training for care givers and service providers of students in alternative school settings. Tennessee Alternative Education Summer Institute, TN Alternative Education Association, Murfreesboro, TN. July.

    Conley, C. F. & Tobenski, K. (2017). The use of preference assessments to aid with motivating harder to reach students. Bedford County Department of Education faculty. Shelbyville, TN. March.

    Fidan, P. (2017). Culturally responsive teaching matters! Tennessee Reading Association Conference (TRA). Murfreesboro, TN. December.

    Fidan, P. (2017). Importance of Culturally Responsive Literacy Teaching to Diverse Learners. National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME) Conference. Salt Lake City, Utah. November 1–5.

    Fidan, P. & Wendt, S. (2017). 3-D printer pens for the elementary and middle school classrooms. Tennessee Science Teachers Association Conference (TSTA). November.

    House Maffett, J. L., Sisk, C., Hutson, S., & Piras, S. (2017). Interdisciplinary educational approaches, for preparing healthcare teams of the future. Child Life Council Annual Conference. Las Vegas, NV, May 25–28.

    Isbell, J. K., Chaudhuri, J., Eldaba, A., Silber-Furman, D., & Kelley, J. (2017). Voices of the invisible: Advocating for international students in higher education. International Conference of the National Association of Multicultural Education. Salt Lake City, UT. November.

    Kerr, R. (2017). All means ALL: Reaching special populations with engaging, meaningful science instruction. National Science Teachers Association. New Orleans, Louisiana; November.

    Kerr, R. (2017). Science for all: Promoting challenging science instruction for special needs learners. National Science Teachers Association National Conference. Los Angeles, CA. March 30–April 2.

    Killian, M., Chitiyo, G., Akenson, A. B., & Kolodziej, N. (2017). Examining the underlying structure of adult literacy skills at home and work. Tennessee Reading Association. Murfreesboro, TN. December 12.

    Manginelli, A. (2017). Implementing module based information literacy instruction: From expectation to experience. Association of Christian Librarians Annual Conference. Grand Rapids, MI. June 15.

    Manginelli, A. (2017). Information literacy: Definition and resources. Camp QEP, Tennessee Technological University. Cookeville, TN, August 16.

    Manginelli, A. (2017). International student support. Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence Academic Community. Tennessee Tech University. Cookeville, TN, November 16.

    Manginelli, A. (2017). Predatory publications. Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence Academic Community. Tennessee Tech University. Cookeville, TN, November 14.

    Manginelli, A. (2017). Teacher training and library development in Haiti: Expectations, experience, and beyond. Association of Christian Librarians Conference. Grand Rapids, MI. June 15.

    Manginelli, A. (2017). Teaching students responsible information consumption. Symposium on Powerful Teaching. Harriman, TN. February 25.

    McMillan, E. (2017). Using nearpod and seesaw in literacy. Tennessee Tech Council of the International Reading Association Summer Literacy Conference. Cookeville, TN, June.

    McMillan, E. (2017). What I can implement right away on Day 1 as a new teacher, symposium on powerful teaching. Roane State Community College. Harriman, TN. February.

    Porfilio, B., Zagumny, L. L., Fox, B., Knaus, C., Rogers-Ard, R., Hoffman, L., Shields, C., & Bishop, T. E. (2017). Program directors for social equity: Eliminating barriers to opportunities and success. American Education Research Association. San Antonio, TX, April 27–May 1.

    Powell, A. (2017). Public policy campaigns and virtual reality health. Health Rankings & Roadmaps. Madison, WI, September 19.

    Powell, A. & Liska, K. (2017). iCube overview. Virtual Reality Summit. Cookeville, TN, April 28.

    Powell, A. & Lunn, M. (2017). Health virtual reality. Williamson County Emergency Operations Center. Franklin, TN, November 3.

    Powell, A. & Lunn, M. (2017). VR for the classroom. Technology for Teachers Conference. Cookeville, TN, May 11.

    Ramsey, E. (2017). Adverse childhood experiences: Lasting implications that need prevention. Tennessee Department of Education: Career and Technical Education. Nashville, TN, July.

    Ramsey, E. (2017). Child guidance for dance educators. The Centre School of Dance. Cookeville, TN, September 23.

    Ramsey, E. (2017). Is this normal? Experiences of foster parents who care for infants with neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS). Philanthropic Education Organization (PEO). Franklin, TN, June 9.

    Ramsey, E. (2017). Working with families who are caring for infants with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome: Soothing strategies and parental self care. Employee professional development for The Stephens Center. Livingston, May 5.

    Ramsey, E. & Putman, C. (2017). ACEs overview presentation. Workshop Wednesday for Putnam County School System Principals. Cookeville, TN, May 3.

    Ramsey, E. & Putman, C. (2017). Adverse childhood experiences and the children’s brains. READ Conference. The fierce urgency of now. Cookeville, TN July 13.

    Roberts, A., Jackson, G., Deurlein, M., & Olson, B. (2017). Office of teacher education updates. Education Leadership Institute. Spencer, TN. June 15.

    Silber-Furman, D. & Dingess, M. (2017). Multiculturalism in the classroom: Practical tips on how to meet needs of ELL students. Tennessee Reading Association. Murfreesboro, TN. December 10.

    Wendt, S. & Fidan, P. (2017). Elementary science extravaganza. National Science Teachers Association Conference. Los Angeles, CA. March–April.

    Wendt, S., Fidan, P., & Spears, A. (2017). Using discrepant events to jumpstart inquiry. National Science Teachers Association Conference. Los Angeles, CA. March–April.

    Wendt, S., Fidan, P., Spears, A., & Rogers, A. (2017). Newton’s nightmare. NSTA National Conference: Sun, Surf, & Science. Los Angeles, CA. March.

    Wilson, C. (2017). Hunting season. TMTA Fall Conference. Martin, TN.

    Wolfe, E., Chitiyo, G., Akenson, A. B., Winnett, S., & Airhart, D. (2017). Horticultural therapy: A tool for improving sociability among adults with mental illness. Tennessee Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting. Knoxville, TN. November 17–18.


    Akenson, A. & Bishop, T. E. (2017). SoTL’s slippery slope: Subjectivity in statistics. International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference. Calgary, Alberta, Canada, October 11–14.

    Akenson, A. & Williams, R. D. (2017). Demystifying statistics: Alternative methods in statistics pedagogy. International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (ISSoTL) Annual Conference. Calgary, AB. October 11–14.

    Baker, J. & Powell, A. (2017). Raising a dragon: A metaphorical autoethnography of life in a PhD program. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (ICQI). Urbana-Champaign, IL, May 18–21.

    Baker, J., Powell, A., & Chappell, J. (2017). Playoffs and payoffs: Game theory scenarios in higher education. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (ICQI). Urbana-Champaign, IL, May 18–21.

    Bishop, T. E. (2017). Children with disabilities in rural areas: A topology. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign, IL. May 17–20.

    Bishop, T. E. (2017). Troubling the transcript. British Educational Research Association Conference. Brighton, England. September 4–6.

    Conley, C. F. & Kennedy, K. (2017). New beginnings: a PBS training for parents and juvenile justice case managers. International Conference on Positive Behavior Support. Denver, CO. March.

    Fidan P. (2017). Fifth grade mathematics teachers’ perceptions of writing in mathematics. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Champaign-Urbana, IL. May.

    Fidan, P. & Eldaba, A. (2017). Reflections on ideologies introduced in children’s multicultural picture books: A critical examination. International Literacy Association. Orlando, FL. July.

    Green, C., Eady, M., McCarthy, M., McKeon, J., Akenson, A. B., Supple, B., & Cronin, J. (2017). Beyond the conference: singing our SSONG. International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (ISS0TL) Annual. Calgary, AB. October 11–14.

    King, S. & Chitiyo, A. (2017). Evaluating meta-analyses and literature reviews featuring single case design studies in special education. Association for Behavior Analysis International Conference. Denver, CO. May.

    Shanks, K. (2017). Use your words. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign, IL. May 17–20.

    Williams, R. D., & Akenson, J. E. (2018). Country and roots music classroom experiences. International Country Music Conference Nashville, TN. June 3.

    Zagumny, L. Silber-Furman, D., Bishop, T., Fidan, P., Ablakwa, C., Ellis, A., Shanks, L., Thomas, G., & Sapp, L. (2017). Traversing an equity-intentional, qualitatively rich doctoral program: A new generation’s collective collaboration against audit cultures. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign, IL. May 17–20.

    Zagumny, L., Powell, A. (2017). Navigating an equity-minded, qualitatively-rich doctoral program in neoliberal times. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (ICQI). Urbana-Champaign, IL. May 18–21.

  • 2016

    Regional & National

    Akenson, A. B. (2016). Sociolect much? Buffy the vampire slayer, sociolects, and student engagement. Southeastern Conference on Linguistics (SECOL) Conference. New Orleans, LA. March 28–31.

    Bishop, T. E. (2016). Bite the bullet or go ballistic? Struggles with conventional humanist research. American Educational Studies Association Conference. Seattle, WA, November 2–6.

    Bishop, T.E. (2016). Rural and food insecure with a child with a disability: Families' barriers to equal education. National Association for Multicultural Education. Cleveland, OH, November 9–13.

    Callender, A. L. (2016). Functional Communication. Putnam County Schools training for special education preschool teachers and speech therapists, Cookeville, TN. April.

    Callender, A. L. (2016). Interacting with Children with Differing Needs in the Library. Tech Guest Lecture: Information Literacy, Cookeville, TN. March.

    Callender, A. L. & Howard, M. (2016). The Untold Story: Families’ Journey of Raising Children with Disabilities. The Council for Exceptional Children National Conference, St. Louis, Missouri. April.

    Callender, A. L. & Johnson, V (2016). Fostering Independence. Tennessee Council for Exceptional Children, Nashville, TN

    Callender, A. L., Lloyd, M., & Suters, L. (2016). edTPA’s Impact on Program Improvement: A Transformation in Preparing Teacher Candidates Through Rigorous Lesson Planning. AACTE Meeting. Las Vegas, NV. February.

    Callender, A. & Kennedy, K. (2016). Differentiated instruction. In-service presented to Overton County Schools. Livingston, TN.

    Casteel, C., Galbairth, A., Edinger, T., & Ablakwa C. (2016). Creation and evaluation: TAEA Standards presentation. Tennessee Art Education Association Conference. Nashville, TN. October.

    Chitiyo, A. (2015). Public expenditure on education and education outcomes in Africa. Students’ Research Day, Tennessee Tech University. Cookeville, TN. April.

    Chitiyo, A. & Conley, C. F. (2016). Community involvement in U. S. Middle Schools. Students’ Research Day, Tennessee Tech University, TN. April.

    Chitiyo, G., Akenson, A. B., Whitehead, R. C., Zagumny, L., & Chitiyo, A. (2016). Evaluating the Use of Chess to Improve Students’ Learning Outcomes. American Evaluation Association (AEA) Conference. Atlanta, GA. October 24–29.

    Chitiyo, G., Zagumny, L., Kilby, J., Akenson, A. B., & Chitiyo, A. (2015). Methods for evaluating a peer mentoring program to foster social and academic engagement for minority students at a predominantly white institution. American Evaluation Association Annual Conference. Chicago, IL. November.

    Conley, C. F. (2016). Motivating hard to reach students. Tennessee School Counselor and Leadership Institute, TN Department of Education. Murfreesboro, TN. October.

    Conley, C. F. (2016). Working with challenging student situations.... and retaining your sanity. Tennessee Alternative Education Summer Institute, TN Alternative Education Association. Murfreesboro, TN. June.

    Conley, C. F. & Bagwell, L. (2016). Alternative education school counselors; unite! Tennessee Alternative Education Summer Institute. TN Alternative Education Association. Murfreesboro, TN. June.

    Conley, C. F., Chitiyo, A., Powell, L., & King, S. A. (2016). Increasing student success by transforming mindsets . . . one staff member at a time. Roane State Symposium on Powerful Teaching. Harriman, TN. February.

    Ellis, A., Ezell, L., & McMillan, E. (2016). Spotlighting student work in the classroom with technology. All about the iPad. Harriman, TN. April 23.

    Ellis, A., Ezell, L., Garey, K. & McMillan, E. (2016). Spotlighting student work with technology. Symposium on Powerful Teaching. Harriman, TN. Feb 27.

    Ezell, L. (2016). Show me the money: Talking to students about financial issues. NACADA Drive-In. Cookeville, TN. March 11.

    Ezell, L. (2016). Thinking outside the box: Using escape room programming in the school library. Alabama Association of School Librarians Annual Conference, Vestavia, AL. June 11.

    Fidan, P. (2016). Incorporating graphic novels to promote literacy. International Reading Association, Tennessee Tech University Summer Literacy Conference. Cookeville, TN. June.

    Fidan, P. (2016). Student mathematics identity and interest as mediators of the relationship between self-efficacy and reasons for taking mathematics courses. Tennessee Technological University Student Research Day, Cookeville, TN. April.

    Fidan, P. & Eldaba, A. (2016). Let them Read! Incorporating literacy with graphic novels. Tennessee Reading Association Conference. Murfreesboro, TN, December 2016.

    Garret, R. (2016). Classroom management in the palm of your hand. National Alternative Education Association Conference. Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, May 16–19.

    Garret, R. (2016). Time and classroom management. South Carolina Council for Exceptional Children, Professional Development Annual Conference. Myrtle Beach, SC. February 18–21.

    House Maffett, J. L. (2016). Creating and teaching online 1 credit hour elective NURS 3050–500 pediatric illness and related care. Virtual presentation. First Annual eLearning Showcase, Tennessee Tech University. Cookeville, TN, April 7.

    House Maffett, J. L. & Piras, S. (2016). Adult learners formulate creative pediatric clinical assignments with real world application. Nursing Education Research Conference. Washington, D.C., April 7–9.

    House Maffett, J. L., Cruz, D., & Francis, D. (2016). Good grief: Modeling community health engagement via storyboarding. ISSOTL Conference Los Angeles, CA, October 12–15.

    Howard, M. & Hutson, S. (2016). Meal Time Makeover: Impacting the Elementary School Cafeteria Environment. Ethnographic and Qualitative Research Conference. Las Vegas, NV. February.

    Hutson, S. (2016). Navigating Nutrition Related Technology to Promote Health and Wellness. American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Annual Conference. Bellevue, WA. June.

    Kennedy, K. & King, S. (2016). Reducing challenging school bus behavior using positive behavior supports. Council for Exceptional Children. St. Louis, MO. April.

    Killian, M. (2016). Goodbye IPads, Hello Chomebooks!, Tennessee Reading Association, December 5.

    Killian, M. (2016). Integrating science into literacy and writing. Tennessee Science Teachers Association Conference and Professional Development Institute. December 3.

    Killmon, C., Anderson, M., Hutson, S., & Hauser, J. (2016). The impact of “five for life” in rural Middle Tennessee: A case study of physical education teachers. Ethnographic and Qualitative Research Conference. Las Vegas, NV. February.

    King, S., Chitiyo, A., & Davidson, K. (2016). Evaluating meta-analyses and literature reviews featuring single case design studies in special education. Tennessee Association of Applied Behavior Analysis Conference. Nashville, TN. October.

    Manginelli A., Catapano, S., Cruz, L., Parker, M., & Strahlman, H. (2016). Historia reimagined: Stories of teaching and learning in Latin America. ISSOTL 2016 –International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Annual Conference. October Los Angeles, CA.

    Marcum, R. (2016). The rod or the staff: discipline practices in protestant homes. Tennessee Technological University’s Student Research Day. Cookeville, TN.

    Marcum, R. & Baker, J. (2016). Seeing the big picture and building success with early childhood candidates. National EdTPA Implementation Conference. Savannah, GA, March 31.

    Marcum, R. & Baker, J. (2016). Zooming out and zooming in: Capturing the big picture as well as the details. Tennessee edTPA Conference. Cookeville, TN. November 3.

    Marcum, R. & Howard, M. (2016). Joining Nature and Technology Experiences for Young children. Tennessee Association for the Education of Young Children (TAEYC). Franklin, TN. October 14.

    Powell, A. & Liska, K. (20016). Is this the real life? No escape from (virtual reality). TAIS Tech Institute. Nashville, TN, April 25.

    Powell, A., McMillan, E., Ezell, L., & Garey, K. (2016). Spotlighting student work with technology. Symposium on Powerful Teaching. Harriman, TN, February 27.

    Powell, A., McMillan, E., &Ezell, L. (20016). Spotlighting student work with technology. All About the iPad Conference. Harriman, TN, April 23.

    Ramsey, E. (2016). Neonatal abstinence syndrome: Infant symptoms and coping strategies for parents. Professional Development Training for The Stephens Center, Livingston, TN, June 3.

    Ramsey, E. (2016). Teaching developmentally appropriate practice: Connections to state standards. Tennessee Department of Education: Career and Technical Education. Nashville, TN, July 13.

    Ramsey, E. (2016). Technology resources for parents: Deciphering information and resources. Tennessee Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Annual State Meeting. Cookeville, TN, April 1.

    Roberts, A., Brown, A., & Jackson, G. (2016). Information on licensure and certification for the state of Tennessee. Safe and Accountable Schools Institute, Cookeville, Tennessee. August 18.

    Roberts, A., Brown, A., & Jackson, G. (2016). Information on licensure and certification for the state of Tennessee. Education Leadership Institute. Spencer, TN. June 16.

    Rogers, A. (2016). Wordless picture books. The Charlotte Huck Children’s Literature Festival Redlands. CA, February 27–28.

    Rogers, A. & Wendt, S. (2016). Newton’s nightmare: A magnetic mystery! National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) Conference. Nashville, TN, March 30–April 3.

    Scott, S. & Fidan, P. (2016). Art in science? Yes!. National Science Teachers Association Conference. Nashville, TN. March 30–April 3.

    Shanks, K. (2016). The crisis of purpose in higher education. American Educational Studies Association. Seattle, WA. November 3–6.

    Silber–Furman, D., Fidan, P., & Eldaba, A. (2016). Do not judge a book by its cover: Empowering the families in poverty through literacy instruction. National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME) Conference. Cleveland, Ohio. November.

    Silber–Furman, D., Raymond, M., & Dingess, M. (2016). ELLs and background knowledge from theory to classroom application. Tennessee Reading Association. Murfreesboro, TN. December 04.

    Sisk, C. (2016). Academic summit update. Child Life Council Conference. Academic Professionals Meeting. Orlando, FL.

    Sisk, C. (2016). Children with diagnosed disabilities: Perceptions of health care experiences. Tennessee Technological University College of Agriculture and Human Ecology, Cookeville, TN.

    Sisk, C. (2016). Predicting difficulty of making and keeping friends for children with special health care needs. Tennessee Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Conference.

    Sisk, C. (2016). Predictors of children with special health care needs difficulty making and keeping friends. Tennessee Technological University Student Research Day.

    Sisk, C., Hutson, S., & Bishop, T. (2016). Tips for a successful prospectus. Panel presentation to the Exceptional Learning Student Organization. Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN.

    Wendt, S., Fidan, P., Rogers, A., Spears, A., Lowe, T., & Barnes, Z. (2016). Magic of science: Building conceptual understanding through discrepant events. Tennessee Science Teachers Association (TSTA) Professional Development Conference. Murfreesboro, TN. December.

    Wilson, C. (2016). Quilting in geometry. TMTA Fall Conference. Murfreesboro, TN.


    Akenson, A. B, Bounds, P., & Harding, L. (2016). Gradetude: How are perceptions of grades influence who we think we are. International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (ISSoTL) Annual Conference. Los Angeles, CA. October 12–15.

    Akenson, A. B. (2016). Battle rattle to books, combat to college: Unlocking the experience of student veterans in higher education. International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (ISSoTL) Annual Conference. Los Angeles, CA. October 12–15.

    Baker, J. & Ezell, L. (2016). From the sticks to stick-with-it-ness: The complexity of persistence in rural college students. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Champaign-Urbana, IL. May 20.

    Bishop, T. E. & Zagumny, L. L. (2016). Research is long, life is short: Longevity in post–qualitative research. 28th Conference of the Nordic Sociological Association. Helsinki, Finland, August 11–13.

    Bounds, P. & Akenson, A. B. (2016). From Gradetude to gratitude: Interdisciplinary collaboration [part of the “Exploring stories of students as partners” panel]. International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (ISSoTL) Annual Conference “Telling the Story of Teaching and Learning: Exploring what works, when, how, and why.” Los Angeles, CA. October 12–15

    Chitiyo, G. & Akenson, A. B. (2016). Test Analysis. Association for Educational Assessment in Africa (AEAA) Conference. Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. July 25–29.

    Conley, C. F., Chitiyo, A., & Whitehead, R. (2016). Working collaboratively with, and not against educational systems. International Conference on Innovations in Family Engagement. Fort Worth, TX. November.

    Fidan, P. (2016). Should students write in mathematics classes? International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (ICQI). University of Illinois at Champaign–Urbana, IL. May.

    Kennedy, K. & King, S. A. (2016). Driving into PBIS: A framework for training school bus drivers. International Conference on Positive Behavior Support. San Francisco, CA. March.

    McMillan, E. (2016). Navigating an equity-minded, qualitatively-rich doctoral program in neoliberal times: Troubling meritocracy: My first year as a PhD student. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, May.

    Powell, A. & Zagumny, L. (20016). Navigating an equity–minded, qualitatively–rich doctoral program in neoliberal times. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (ICQI). Urbana–Champaign, IL, May 18–21.

    Rogers, A. (2016). A picture of literacy: Fourth grade teachers’ and students’ perceptions of literacy. International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Science. London, England, August.

    Silber-Furman, D. & Al Sagar, A. (2016). Academic language equity in higher education. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign, May 18–21.

    Silber-Furman, D., Zagumny, L., Ellis, A., Callender, A., & McMillan, E. (2016). Navigating an equity-minded, qualitatively-rich doctoral program in neoliberal time. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign, May 18–21.

    Wendt, S., Spears, A., & Fidan, P. (2016). The Interrelationship between children's scientific misconceptions and nonfiction children's trade books. International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences. London, UK. August.

  • 2015

    Regional & National

    Bishop, T. E. (2015). “Special” education: One boy’s experience. Ethnography in Education Research Forum. Philadelphia, PA. February 27–28.

    Bishop, T. E. (2015). Portrayal of disabled characters in young adult literature. Journal of Language & Literacy Education Winter Conference. Athens, GA, February 7–8.

    Bishop, T. E. (2015). T-Rex and me: A reluctant autoethnography. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL, April 16–20.

    Bishop, T. E., & Kerr, R. (2015). More than pleasure reading: Using YA literature to promote understanding of students with special needs. National Association for Multicultural Education, New Orleans, LA, October 1–4.

    Brown, A. & Roberts, A. (2015). Tennessee license changes effective September 1. Pickett County Teachers In-service, Byrdstown, Tennessee. July 29.

    Brown, A. & Roberts, A. (2015). Update on Tennessee license changes. Tracy City Elementary School Teachers In-service, Tracy City, Tennessee. November 16.

    Callender, A. L. (2015). Interacting with Children and Adults with Disabilities and Differing Needs. Putnam County Library Staff Training, Cookeville, TN. November.

    Callender, A. L. & Howard, M. (2015). Exceptional Voices. National Association of Multicultural Education, New Orleans, Louisiana. October.

    Eldaba, A. & Fidan, P. (2015). A critical exploratory study of ideologies presented in multicultural picture books. NAME Silver Anniversary Conference. New Orleans, LA, October.

    Elizer, N. & Speight, J. (2015). Characters welcome!, Nashville Area Association for the Education of Young Children conference. Nashville, TN April 10–11.

    Fidan, P. (2015). What’s black and white and scans all over? International Reading Association - Tennessee Tech University Summer Literacy Conference. Cookeville, TN. June

    Fidan, P. & Eldaba, A. (2015). Factors of peer influence as predictors of high school students’ college aspirations. Tennessee Technological University Student Research Day. Cookeville, TN. April.

    Fidan, P. & Eldaba, A. (2015). Social media and the QR codes in the classrooms. Tennessee Reading Association Conference. Murfreesboro, TN, December 2015.

    Harris, K. (2015). CAT scoring and app development workshop. Florida State University. Tallahassee, FL.

    Harris, K. (2015). Critical thinking in the classroom: Engagement to assessment. Summer Faculty Institute, The University of Delaware. Newark, DE.

    Harris, K. & Lisic, E. (2015). CAT App faculty development workshop. University of Delaware Center for Teaching and Assessment of Learning. Newark, DE.

    Harris, K. & Lisic, E. (2015). CAT App faculty development workshop. Florida State University. Tallahassee, FL.

    Harris, K. & Lisic, E. (2015). Critical thinking in the liberal arts. Birmingham-Southern College.

    House Maffett, J. L. (2015). Health literacy promotion: BSN students design Bi-lingual asthma education postcards using google translate and online readability calculators. Tennessee Reading Association Conference. Murfreesboro, TN. December 6–8.

    Hutson, S. (2015). Technology in the Classroom: The Why and How of Incorporating “Apps” Into Your Courses. Tennessee Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Convention. Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN. March.

    Hutson, S. (2015). The Basics of a Healthy Diet: Myths vs. Realities Tennessee Commission on Aging and Disability. Tennessee for a Lifetime Conference Cookeville, TN. June.

    Hutson, S. (2015). Using Nutrition Apps When Working with Families. Stephen’s Center Professional Development Training Livingston, TN. May.

    Jackson, G., Roberts, A. & Brown, A. (2015). Transitional licensure update. Tennessee Technological University P-16 Mini Workshop, Cookeville, Tennessee. November 5.  

    Kennedy, K. (2015). Celebrating the successes while changing the challenges: Using positive behavior supports in the home. World Congress on the Promotion of Mental Health. Columbia, SC. September.

    Kennedy, K. (2015). Creating a tier 2 PBIS framework. Cumberland County Schools SWPBS team workshop. Crossville, TN. June.

    Kennedy, K. (2015). Introduction to school-wide positive behavior supports. Dekalb County High School Staff-wide training. Smithville, TN. January.

    Kennedy, K. (2015). Take it to the bus: Extending the PBIS framework to school buses. Oral Georgia Association for Positive Behavior Support Conference. Atlanta, GA. December.

    Kennedy, K. (2015). Tier one PBIS sustainability: Coach series. Cumberland County Schools. Crossville, TN. June.

    Kennedy, K. & King, S. (2015). All aboard: Positive behavioral interventions and supports on the school bus. World Congress on the Promotion of Mental Health. Columbia, SC. September.

    Kennedy, K. & King, S. (2015). Identifying reinforcers for children at-risk for emotional disturbance in educational settings. World Congress on the Promotion of Mental Health. Columbia, SC. September.

    Kennedy, K. & Sinclair, T. (2015). It takes two: Kicking off the new year as a co-teaching team. Summer in-service, Cumberland County Schools. Crossville, TN. June.

    Kennedy, K. & Sinclair, T. (2015). It takes two: Tips and strategies for a positive and successful inclusion experience. TN Council for Exceptional Children Conference. Nashville, TN. October.

    Kerr, R. (2015). Literacy and the middle school science classroom. Knox County School District System-wide Professional Development Day, Knoxville, Tennessee; September 28.

    Kerr, R. (2015). Multiculturalism in education. National Association for Multicultural Education Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana. October 1–4, 2015.

    Kerr, R. & Kilby, J. (2015). Using graphic novels in the classroom. Roane State Community College Symposium on Great Teaching. Harriman, Tennessee. February 28.

    Leigh, K., Sisk, C., & Chrisler, A. (2015). Is a doctoral degree right for me? Choosing a doctoral program that fits. Child Life Council 33rd Annual Conference, Cincinnati, OH.

    Leming, K. (2015). Improving Critical Thinking through the Assessment of High-Impact Practices. Texas A&M University Annual Assessment Conference, Texas, February 22–24.

    Lisic, E. & Harris, K. (2015). Connecting the dots: A framework for developing course-based critical thinking assessment. Texas A&M 15th Annual Assessment Conference, College Station, TX.

    Marcum, R. (2015). Administering change: Principal’s perceptions on developmentally appropriate practices. National Association for the Early Childhood Teacher Educators (NAECTE). New Orleans, LA, June 6.

    Marcum, R. & Anderson, T. (2015). Mothers’ reactions to children’s “naughty” behaviors: Age and education as correlates. Tennessee Technological University’s Student Research Day, Cookeville, TN. April 9.

    Marcum, R. & Baker, J. (2015). Mapping our way to success with early childhood candidates. Tennessee EdTPA Implementation Conference, Cookeville, TN. November 12.

    McMillan, E. & Richardson, J. (2015). Guided reading exemplar lesson. Hamilton County Professional Development, Wallace A. Smith Elementary, Ooltewah, TN, March.

    Meadows, J. R. (2015). Talk it out! Mathematically productive discussions in the primary classroom. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional. Nashville, TN. November.

    Meadows, J. R., Spears, A., Suters, L., & Lloyd, M. (2017). Engineering engagement: Leveraging formative assessment practices to motivate and enlighten. Association of American Colleges and Universities Network for Academic Renewal Transforming STEM Higher Education Conference, San Francisco, California. November.

    Plant, J. & Hutson, S. (2015). Using Apps in the Classroom. Tennessee Technological University School of Human Ecology, Family and Consumer Sciences Workshop: Creating Healthy and Sustainable Families. Cookeville, TN. June.

    Ramsey, E. (2015). Connections uniting schools and community agencies. Tennessee Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Annual State Meeting. Cookeville, TN, March 20.

    Ramsey, E. (2015). Methods for teaching social emotional learning and competence. Family and Consumer Sciences Annual State Workshop. Cookeville, TN, June 17.

    Roberts, A., Jackson, G. & Brown, A. (2015). A quick update on current licensure changes. Tennessee Technological University P-16 Mini Workshop, Cookeville, TN. November 5.

    Rogers, A. L. (2015). Books that heal: Bibliotherapy in the elementary classroom. The Charlotte Huck Children’s Literature Festival Redlands, CA, February 27–28.

    Rogers, A. L. (2015). Wordless Literacy. Tennessee Tech Council of IRA Reading Conference. Cookeville, TN. June 5.

    Rogers, A. L. & Spears, A. (2015). Vocabulary instruction in the high school. Upperman High School, Baxter, TN. July 23.

    Rogers, A. L. & Wendt, S. (2015). Book a flight with us! Intersecting Newton’s Laws with Literacy. National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) Area Conference, Reno, NV, October.

    Silber-Furman, D. & Baker, J. E. (2015). D.A.P. on a tray! Southern Early Childhood Association (SECA) Regional Conference. New Orleans, LA. January 15.

    Silber-Furman, D., Taylor, L., & Wehrmann, S. (2015). Teaching English language learners: The best strategies across the curriculum. Tennessee Reading Association. Murfreesboro, TN. December 07.

    Sisk, C. (2015). Children with diagnosed disabilities: Perceptions of health care experiences. TN Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Conference, Cookeville, TN.

    Sisk, C. (2015). Children with diagnosed disabilities: Perceptions of health care experiences. Tennessee Technological University Student Research Day, Cookeville, TN.

    Sisk, C. (2015). Concepts of death and dying for parents. Stephen’s Center, Livingston, TN

    Sisk, C. (2015). Health literacy across the life span: Implications for family and consumer sciences. TN Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Conference, Cookeville, TN.

    Sisk, C. & Marcum, R. (2015). A natural fit: Incorporating qualitative research into child life practice. Child Life Council Conference, Cincinnati, OH.

    Spears, A., Rogers, A., & Manginelli, A. (2015). The lasting power of a story: Representation of multicultural children’s literature in elementary literacy texts. National Association for Multicultural Education Conference. New Orleans, LA. October.

    Taylor, F. L. (2015). Administrator licensing. Law Seminar, Tennessee Tech University. March 31.

    Taylor, F. L. (2015). Empowering educators. Professional Development with Pickett County Teachers. July 29.

    Taylor, F. L. & Wehrmann, S. (2015). Collaboration with administrators and librarians. P-16 Conference, Tennessee Tech University, Cookeville, TN. November 5.

    Zagumny, L. L. & Bishop, T. E. (2015). A post inquiry lexicon of love. American Educational Studies Association Annual Conference. San Antonio, TX. November 11–15.


    Bishop, T. E. (2015). Succumbing to the story: Autoethnography and anger in education research. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign, IL, May 20–23.

    Callender, A. L. & Howard, M. (2015). Lost in Translation. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Champaign-Urbana, IL. May.

    Callender, A. L. & Howard, M. (2015). Silenced Conversations: Social Construction of Disability in Two Cultures. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Champaign-Urbana, IL. May

    Majors, T. (2015). Evaluating your program or curriculum when participants choose course sections: A look at pre-analysis propensity scoring techniques. International Education Conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico. March 22–26.

    Marcum, R. & Howard, M. (2015). Take it outside: Joining technology and nature experiences for young children. High Scope International Conference. Ypsilanti, MI, May 8.

    Pittman, C. & Isbell, J.K. (2015). Engaging with E-–Readers: Teacher and student perspectives on e-readers in secondary English classrooms. International Conference of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana–Champain, IL. May 20–23.

    Shanks, K. (2015). Moving into post-inquiry from a so-called ‘hard’ science. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana–Champain, IL. May 20–23.

    Silber-Furman, D. (2015). Quest for success: How English language proficiency shapes identity of international college student. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana-Champaign. May 20.

    Wendt, S., Isbell, J. K., Fidan, P., & Schons, C. (2015). Female elementary teacher candidates’ attitudes and self-efficacy for teaching engineering concepts. International Conference on Science in Society. Chicago, IL. October.

    Wendt, S., Isbell, J. K., Fidan, P., & Schons, C. (2015). Teacher candidates’ attitudes and self-efficacy toward teamwork for teaching STEM in the elementary classroom. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (ICQI), University of Illinois. Urbana-Champaign, IL. May.

    Zagumny, L. L., Shanks, K., Bishop, T. E., Chitiyo, G., & Silber-Furman, D. (2015). Post-inquiry troubling and the challenge to the practical: Perspectives from doctoral students and faculty. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign. IL, May 20–23.

  • 2014


    Regional & National

    Callender, A.L. (2014). What Parents Wish IEP Team Members Knew. P-16 Workshop, Cookeville, TN. November.

    Chappell, J. (2014). From the beginning: A beginner’s tutorial demonstrating the use of visual basic for applications (VBA) to develop excel macros. Kentucky Association for Institutional Research Annual Conference. Bowling Green, KY. November 5–7.

    Chappell, J. & James, G. W. (2014). Time to baccalaureate degree completion: Improving efficiency for students and institutions. Tennessee Association for Institutional Research Conference. Nashville, TN. August 14–15.

    Chitiyo, A. (2015). Embracing online collaborative classes in teaching and learning. Technology for Educators Conference. Cookeville, TN. April.

    Chitiyo, R. (2014). Reporters of suspected child abuse: A correlational study of a nationally representative sample. Tennessee Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Conference. Knoxville, TN. April.

    Coonce, J. & Majors, T. (2014). Using card games to teach ionic compound nomenclature. Biennial Conference on Chemical Education. Allendale, MI. August 3–7.

    Eldaba, A. (2014). Using technology to enhance literacy of English language learners. Tennessee Reading Association Conference. Murfreesboro, TN, December.

    Fidan, P. (2014). Factors of mathematics classroom practices as predictors of high school students’ achievement. Tennessee Technological University Student Research Day. Cookeville, TN. April 10.

    Fidan, P. & Eldaba, A. (2014). The greedy triangle! Integrating literacy into mathematics teaching. Tennessee Reading Association. Murfreesboro, TN. December.

    Fidan, P. & Majors, T. (2014). Math achievement and classroom experiences. Tennessee Tech Student Research Day. April 10.

    Fidan, P. & Pittman, C. (2014). May the magnetic force be with you! Tennessee Science Teachers Association. Murfreesboro, TN. April.

    Fox, J., Blevins, L., Khan, Z., Jenkins, A., Kennedy, K., Murley, R., & Hunter, W. (2014). School-wide positive behavior support (SWPBS) in Tennessee: Model, history, services and future directions to assist teachers, administrators and other school personnel to enhance the positive development of students and reduce challenging behaviors. TN Council for Exceptional Children Conference. Nashville, TN. October.

    Garrett, R. (2014). Working with the department of children’s services. Tennessee Association of Attendance Supervisors. Murfreesboro, Tennessee. September 10–12.

    House Maffett, J. L. (2014). Evolution of an interdisciplinary care team in a pediatric simulation experience. NLN/Elsevier Technology Conference. Nashville, TN, October 24–26.

    Howard, M. & Marcum, R. (2014). Connecting literature to STEM instruction. CCR&R Train the Trainers Workshop, Cookeville, TN. March 12.

    Hutson, S. (2014). Food insecurity: How does hunger hinder a family? Tennessee Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Convention. Knoxville, TN. April.

    Isbell, J. K., Baker, J., Zagumny, L., Camuti, A., & Spears, A. (2014). Dismantling deficit thinking fronteras: How healthcare hierarchies mimic education theory. National Association of Multicultural Education. Tucson, AZ. November.

    Isbell, J. K., Baker, J., Zagumny, L., Camuti, A., & Spears, A. (2014). Beyond (yet related to) schooling: Interrogating deficit constructions of government funded healthcare recipients. American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA. April.

    Kennedy, K. (2014). All aboard: Building PBS on the bus. School bus driver in-service and training. Cumberland County Bus Garage, Crossville, TN. September.

    Kennedy, K. (2014). America’s bullying crisis: Bully documentary discussion and resources. Safe and Accountable Schools Conference. Cookeville, TN. August.

    Kennedy, K. (2014). Positive behavioral interventions and supports: Building it up. Half day in-service. Cumberland County Schools. Crossville, TN. June.

    Kennedy, K. (2014). The inclusion classroom. Full day in-service. Cumberland County Schools, Crossville, TN. September.

    Kennedy, K. (2014). Tier 3 data collection methods. Full day in-service. Pleasant Hill School, Stone Elementary, South Elementary. Crossville, TN. October.

    Kennedy, K. & Bumbalough, R. (2014). Tier II: Introduction for tier II teams. A half day countywide in-service. Cumberland County Schools. Crossville, TN. June.

    Kennedy, K. & Chitiyo, R. (2014). Using positive behavior supports in the home: changing challenges to celebrations. CEC Division for Early Childhood Conference. St. Louis, MO. October.

    Kerr, R. (2014). Using children’s literature in the science classroom. TN Tech-IRA 2015 Conference. Cookeville, Tennessee. June 4.

    Kerr, R. (2014). Using children’s literature in the science classroom. Tennessee Reading Association Conference, Murfreesboro, Tennessee. December 9.

    Majors, T. (2014). Exploring the gender gap in one department’s algebra-based physics course. Physics Education Research Conference. Minneapolis, MN. July 30–31.

    Majors, T. (2014). Going on: self-efficacy and daughtering of girls in stem majors. Tennessee Tech University Student Research Day. April 10.

    Majors, T. W., Engelhardt, P., & Robinson, S. J. (2014). Exploring the gender gap in an algebra-based physics course. Physics Education Research Conference. Minneapolis, MN. July.

    Majors, T., Meadows, J. R., Luna, L., & Kwon, H. (2014). Research trends and priorities in K–12 STEM Outreach. American Society of Engineering Education Southeastern Conference: E4: Efficient and Effective Engineering Education, TN Tech, Cookeville, TN. March.

    Manginelli A. (2014). A spark to the flame: Faith, research, teacher professional development and a school library for emmanuel par la foi in saut d'eau, Haiti. Association of Christian Librarians Conference, June.

    Manginelli A. (2014). Seeing with new eyes: Using the process of defamiliarization to re-think library instruction and assessment. Association of Christian Librarians, June.

    Manginelli A. (2014). The TEL solution: Meeting the PARCC/CCSS Needs of students, educators, families, and communities in Tennessee. Tennessee Educational Technology Conference, April.

    Manginelli A., Spears, A., & Rogers, A. (2014). Holy Guacamole!: A critical poststructural visual content analysis of Skippyjon Jones. National Association for Multicultural Education Conference, Tucson, AZ. November.

    Marcum, R. (2014). The rod or the staff: Exploring the influence of religion on discipline practices. Round table presentation for the National Association for Early Childhood Teacher Educators (NAECTE), Dallas, TX. November 5.

    Marcum, R. & Howard, M. (2014). Putting the "A" in STEM: How does creative art enhance STEAM learning? CCR&R Train the Trainers Workshop, Cookeville, TN. March 12.

    Marcum, R. & Smith, A. (2014). The little engineers that could. CCR&R Train the Trainers Workshop, Cookeville, TN. March 11.

    McMillan, E. & Calkins, L. (2014). Writing curriculum K-6/freewriting strategies. Hamilton County Professional Development. Ooltewah, TN, January.

    Meadows, J. R. (2014). Environmental experiences for early childhood. Professional development for the Childcare Resource and Referral Group. Cookeville, TN. March.

    Meadows, J. R. (2014). Imaginative math stories. Professional development for the Childcare Resource and Referral Group. Cookeville, TN. March.

    Meadows, J. R. (2014). Leading mathematically productive discussions. Tennessee Mathematics Teachers Association. Knoxville, TN. September.

    Meadows, J. R. (2014). Let's talk about it: Mathematically productive talk in the primary classroom. Middle Tennessee Mathematics Teachers Association. Cookeville, TN. February.

    Meadows, J. R. (2014). Mathematics formative assessment: 75 Practical strategies for linking assessment, instruction, and learning. Middle Tennessee Mathematics Teachers Association. Cookeville, TN. February.

    Meadows, J. R. (2014). Productive discussions in the mathematics classroom. Tennessee Science Teachers Association. Murfreesboro, TN. November.

    Meadows, J. R. & Baker, J. (2014). Project learning tree and project wild training. Full-day professional development workshop. Cookeville, TN. April.

    Meadows, J. R. & Luna, L. (2014). Engineering is elementary teacher training. Full-day professional development workshop. Cookeville, TN. February.

    Ogbomo, Q. & Majors, T. (2014). Differentiating instruction with math menus. Middle Tennessee Mathematics Teachers Conference. Clarksville, TN. February 21–22.

    Roberts, A. & Winningham, D. (2014). A Tour of the Upcoming Tennessee Teaching License changes. P-16 Mini Workshop. Cookeville, Tennessee. November 6

    Roberts, A. (2014). A Tour of the Upcoming Tennessee Teaching License Changes. Tennessee Technological University College of Education & Human Sciences Data Retreat. Cookeville, Tennessee. August.

    Rogers, A. L. (2014). Bibliotherapy. Tennessee Tech Council of IRA Reading Conference. Cookeville High School, Cookeville, TN, June 5.

    Rogers, A. L. (2014). Literacy instruction in a technological society. Future Educator of America Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota April 11.

    Rogers, A. L. (2014). More than book: Literacy in the world of technology. SMART Teaching Symposium. Roane State Community College, Harriman, TN. March 1.

    Silber-Furman, D. (2014). Downloading the new literacies: How technology can enhance elementary classroom from theory to applications. Tennessee Reading Association. Murfreesboro, Tennessee, December 07.

    Sisk, C. (2014). Child health literacy for parents. A. H. Roberts Special Education Pre-Kindergarten. Livingston, TN.

    Sisk, C. (2014). Child health literacy. Tennessee Technological University Council of the International Reading Association. Cookeville High School, Cookeville, TN.

    Sisk, C. (2014). Professionalism. Tennessee Technological University, School of Human Ecology, Cookeville, TN.

    Sisk, C., Holsonback, B., Roman, D., Bradfield, H., Crockarell, K., & Jaynes, T. (2014). Teaching human ecology students to utilize therapeutic and expressive interventions with children. TN Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Conference. Knoxville, TN

    Spears, A. (2014). Engaging readers in the writer’s toolbox. Tennessee Tech University–International Reading Association. Cookeville, TN. June.

    Spears, A. (2014). The little engineer that could: Incorporating STEM into the early childhood classroom. Tennessee Tech University–International Reading Association. Cookeville, TN. June.

    Taylor, F. L. (2014). Teacher empowerment. P-16, Tennessee Tech University. November 6.

    Taylor, F. L. (2014). Wanna ride a roller coaster? Tennessee Science Teachers Association TSTA. Murfreesboro Tennessee, November 7.

    Taylor, F. L. & Webb, T. (2014). Teacher empowerment. Pickett County Teachers, July 31.

    Wendt, S. & Rogers, A. L. (2014). Picture perfect science (Mystery Pellets). Tennessee Tech University STEM Center. Cookeville, TN February 11.

    Winningham, D. & Roberts, A. (2014). Changes on the horizon for school teachers. TN Tech-IRA Conference, Cookeville, Tennessee. June 5.


    Callender, A. (2014) Videoconference: Independence program and educating students with comprehensive disabilities with their same age peers. Pedagogical Regional Forum: Education of students with mental disorders in modern conditions. Krasnoyarsk, Russia and Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN. April 23.

    Callender, A. Dainty, H., & Graves, L. (2014) Videoconference: Problems of learning and socialization of students with mental disorders in the United States and Russia. Pedagogical Regional Forum: Education of students with mental disorders in modern conditions. Krasnoyarsk, Russia and Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN. April 23.

    Callender, A.L. (2014). Through the looking glass: Narratives of the disability journey. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Champaign-Urbana, IL. May.

    Chitiyo, R., & Silber-Furman, D. (2014). Hide and seek curricula: An uneven playing field for bilingual students. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry in Champaign, IL. May.

    Eldaba, A., Silber-Furman, D., & Chitiyo, R. (2014). Fostering multiculturalism and bi/multilingualism in the age of hidden curriculum. Association for Childhood Education International Conference. Vancouver, Canada, April 11–14.

    Manginelli A. (2014). Revisiting the past-reimagining the future: Information literacy for the 22nd century librarian. Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy, Savannah, GA. October.

    Marcum, R. (2014). The rod or the staff: Discipline practices in protestant homes. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana, IL. May 23.

    Rogers, A. (2014). Teachable moments: Connecting literacy in all subjects. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champagne, Illinois. May.

    Sisk, C. (2014). Children with disabilities: Perceptions of health care experiences. Qualitative Health Research Conference. Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

  • 2013


    Regional & National

    Anthony, H., Majors, T., & Amato, S. (2013). Lesson ideas from ‘place value with pizzazz’. Tennessee Mathematics Teachers Association Conference. Memphis, TN: September 27–28.

    Baker, J. & Marcum, R. (2013, November 20). Seeing the big picture: Mapping journal articles in graduate early childhood education courses. Round table presentation for the National Association for Early Childhood Teacher Educators (NAECTE), Washington D.C.

    Bundrant, H. & Hutson, S. (2013). Food labels to fast food: Facilitating healthier choice. LDN Tennessee Technological University School of Human Ecology Family and Consumer Sciences: Creating Healthy and Sustainable Families. Cookeville, TN. June.

    Callender, A. L. (2013). EASY IEP for school psychologists. Guest Lecturer: EDPY 7910: Assessment and Intervention I, Cookeville, TN. December.

    Callender, A. L. (2013). EASY IEP for School Psychologists. Guest Lecturer: EDPY 7910: Assessment and Intervention I, Cookeville, TN. April.

    Chitiyo, R. (2013). Reporting patterns and factors associated with child aaltreatment: Evidence from a nationally representative sample. Colloquium of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children in Las Vegas, NV. June.

    Eldaba, A. (2013). Reading strategies for struggling and ELL students. The Tennessee Council of Teachers of English (TCTE) Annual Conference, Sevierville Convention Center, Sevierville, TN. September.

    Eldaba, A. & Chitiyo, R. (2013). Critical review of ideologies presented in multicultural children’s literature. Tennessee Reading Association Conference. Murfreesboro, TN, December.

    Eldaba, A. Taylor, L. & Silber-Furman, D. (2013). Closing the gaps in literacy. TN Tech-IRA Summer Literacy Conference. Cookeville, TN, June.

    Eldaba, A. & Chitiyo, R. (2013). Critical review of ideologies presented in multicultural children's literature. Tennessee Reading Association Conference in Murfreesboro, TN. December.

    Hale, K. & Chitiyo, R. (2013). Predictive factors of suicide ideation and suicide planning among U.S. adolescents. Tennessee Technological University’s 8th Annual Student Research Day in Cookeville, TN. April.

    Harris, K. (2013). Engaging faculty in assessing critical thinking using the cat instrument. Texas A&M Assessment Conference. College Station, TX.

    House-Maffett, J. L. (2013). Collaborative care team integration in a pediatric simulation experience for clinical preparedness. NLN/Elsevier Technology Conference. Philadelphia, PA. September 19.

    Isbell, J. K., Baker, J., Zagumny, L., Camuti, A., & Spears, A. (2013). From education to healthcare: How deficit thinking permeates services to the economically disadvantaged. National Association of Multicultural Education. Oakland, CA. November 5–10.

    Isbell, J. K., Baker, J., Zagumny, L., Camuti, A., & Spears, A. (2013). (Un)caring words: How discourses of publicly-funded healthcare reproduce deficit thinking. National Association for Multicultural Education. Oakland, CA. November.

    Kennedy, K. (2013). Positive behavior on the bus: System-wide consistency. School bus driver in-service, Cumberland County Bus Garage. Crossville, TN. September.

    Kennedy, K. (2013). Practical tier 3 data collection and interventions: Making it work in the classroom. Full day in-service. Livingston, TN. June.

    Kennedy, K. (2013). The inclusion classroom. Full day in-service. Cumberland County Schools, Crossville, TN. June.

    Kennedy, K. (2013). The inclusion classroom. Half day in-service. North Cumberland Elementary. Crossville, TN. August.

    Kennedy, K. & Gwilt, A. (2013). Using structured tasks in the classroom. Positive Behavior Support and Inclusion Conference. Cookeville, TN. June.

    Kerr, R. (2013). Addressing multi-literacies across content areas using multi-genre reporting. Tennessee Technological University Reading Association, Cookeville, Tennessee; June 6.

    Kerr, R. (2013). Common core and science instruction. Knoxville Adaptive Education Center, Building Level In-Service, Knoxville, Tennessee. July 29.

    Kerr, R. (2013). Teaching argumentative writing in the content areas. Knoxville Adaptive Education Center Building Level In-Service, Knoxville, Tennessee. January 15.

    Kwon, H., Meadows, J. R., Luna, L. &, Majors, T. (2013). Review of research trends and priorities in K–12 STEM outreach. American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference. Cookeville, TN. March 10–13.

    Majors, T. (2013). Going On: A Case study of self-efficacy and daughtering of girls in STEM majors. 26th Annual Ethnographic and Qualitative Research Conference. Las Vegas, NV. February 10–11.

    Majors, T. & Amato, S. (2013). Using origami to explore proportional relationships. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference & Exposition. Louisville, KY. November 6–8.

    Majors, T. and Meadows, J. (2013). What predicts math utility perceptions among high school freshmen? Tech Student Research Day. April 11.

    Majors, T., Meadows, J., & Luna, L. (2013). Trends and priorities in K-12 STEM informal learning NSF grant awardees. Tennessee Tech Student Research Day. April 11.

    McMillan, E. (2013). Close reading in the classroom. Hamilton County Professional Development. Ooltewah, TN, January.

    Meadows, J. R. & Baker, J. (2013). Wet and wild environmental education. Tennessee Science Teachers Association Annual Conference. Murfreesboro, TN. November.

    Meadows, J. R., Spears, A., & Taylor, L. (2013). Rollercoaster of literacy. Tennessee Council of Teachers of English Annual Conference. Sevierville, TN. September.

    Powell, A., Baker, J., & Thomson, E. (2013). Adolescent pleasure reading. The graffiti of my life: exploring the interconnectedness of the English Language Arts. Tennessee Chapter of Teachers of English (TCTE). Sevierville, TN, September 27–28.

    Rawiszer, H., & Chitiyo, R. (2013). Co-teaching and co-grading: Implementing successful collaborative strategies in the classroom. Presented at the Tennessee Council for Exceptional Children Conference. Nashville TN. October.

    Rogers, A. L. (2013). You have an app for that?, SMART Teaching Symposium. Harriman, TN, February 23.

    Rogers, A. L. & Lafoon, A. (2013). Reader theater in the science classroom. Tennessee Science Teachers Conference. Murfreesboro, TN. November 8.

    Rogers, A. L. & Silber-Furman, D. (2013). Trade in science. Tennessee Reading Association Conference, Murfreesboro, TN. December 9.

    Silber-Furman, D. & Eldaba, A. (2013). Reading strategies for struggling learners and ELL students. Tennessee Council of Teachers of English (TCTE). Sevierville, TN. September.

    Silber-Furman, D. & Rogers, A. L. (2013). Picture me science. Tennessee Reading Association. Murfreesboro, Tennessee. December 09.

    Silber-Furman, D., Eldaba, A., & Al Sager, A. (2013). Worksheetless instruction. P-16 Mini Workshops in Education. Cookeville, TN. November 07.

    Sisk, C. (2013). Child life in children’s health care. School of human ecology family and consumer sciences workshop. Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN.

    Sisk, C. (2013). Overview of child life profession. School of Human Ecology Introduction to the Profession Class, Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN.

    Spears, A. (2013). Flourishing in the flipped classroom. Tennessee Reading Association Conference. Murfreesboro, TN. December.

    Spears, A. (2013). Surviving the shift. Tennessee Tech University–International Reading Association. Cookeville, TN. June.

    Taylor, F. L. (2013). Integrating math and science using children’s literature. Tennessee Science Teachers Association Middle Tennessee Mathematics. Franklin Tennessee, February.

    Taylor, F. L. (2013). Roller coasters in science. Tennessee Council of Teachers of English TCTE. Sevier County Tennessee, September 8.

    Taylor, F. L. & Meadows, J. (2013). Using trade books incorporate science and math. STEM Center In-Service for Teachers. Cookeville TN, March.

    Taylor, F. L. & Scott, S. (2013). Engineering effective science with common core, phabulous physical science. Tennessee Science Teachers Association TSTA. Murfreesboro, TN, November 8.

    Wendt, S. & Rogers, A. L. (2013). Picture perfect science (Airplanes). Tennessee Tech Council of IRA Reading Conference. Cookeville, TN, June 6.

    Wendt, S. & Rogers, A. L. (2013). Picture perfect science (Earthlets). Tennessee Science Teachers Conference. Murfreesboro, TN November 8.


    Callender, A., Dainty, H., & Graves, L., (2013). Independence Program and educating students with comprehensive disabilities with their same age peers. International Conference: Problems of Socialization and Education of Individuals with Severe Intellectual Disabilities, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. November 7.

    Callender, A., Dainty, H., & Graves, L., (2013). Teaching strategies for students with moderate to severe disabilities: basket task work system. International Conference: Problems of Socialization and Education of Individuals with Severe Intellectual Disabilities, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. November 7.

    Dainty, H. Graves, L. & Callender, A. L. (2013). Innovative approaches to training people with cognitive disabilities combined with autistic spectrum disorders. International Conference: Problems of Socialization and Education of Individuals with Severe Intellectual Disabilities, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. November 7.

    Dainty, H. Graves, L., & Callender, A. L. (2013). Panel discussion: Retrospective analysis of existing approaches to the problems of education of children with intellectual disabilities in the United States and Russia. International Conference: Problems of Socialization and Education of Individuals with Severe Intellectual Disabilities, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. November 7.

    Dainty, H., Graves, L., & Callender, A. (2013). The socialization and education of people with intellectual disabilities: Distance Online International Distance Scientific-Practical. Conference with the V.P. Astafiev Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University and Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN. September 20.

    Howard, M., Spears, A., Sager, A., Cochrane, S., & Majors, T. (2013). “Tell me more about that”: Meaningful cohort relationships in Ph.D. programs. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. May.

    Rawiszer, H. & Chitiyo, R. (2013). Wait, so you did this together? Two graduate students' experiences with co-teaching and co-grading. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Champaign, IL. May.

Professional Organization Memberships

  • Alphabetically

    Alabama Education Association

    American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy

    American Association for State and Local History

    American Association of Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE)

    American Association of Chemistry Teachers

    American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences

    American Association of Physics Teachers

    American Educational Research Association (AERA)

    American Educational Studies Association

    American Evaluation Association (AEA)

    American Folklore Society

    American Library Association (ALA)

    American Mindfulness Research Association (AMRA)

    Association of American Educators

    British Educational Research Association

    Commission for International Library Advancement

    Council for Exceptional Children

    International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry

    International Literacy Association (ILA)

    International Society of Scholarship on Teaching and Learning (ISSoTL)

    Kappa Delta Pi International Education Honor Society (KDP)

    Kentucky Association for Institutional Research

    Mathematic Teachers of Middle Tennessee

    National Academic Advising Association (NACADA)

    National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME)

    National Association of Student Affairs Administrators (NASPA)

    National Association of the Education of the Young Child

    National Council for Teachers of Mathematics

    National Council of Family Relations

    National Education Association

    National Science Teachers Association

    Southern Association for Institutional Research (SAIR)

    Southern Historical Association

    Tennessee Association for Behavior Analysis

    Tennessee Association for Institutional Research

    Tennessee Association for Positive Behavior Support

    Tennessee Association for the Education of Young Children

    Tennessee Commission on Children and Youth

    Tennessee Council of Teachers of English (TCTE)

    Tennessee Folklore Society

    Tennessee Library Association

    Tennessee Reading Association (TRA)

    TESOL International Association

    The Society for American Music

    The Society for Ethnomusicology

    Tennessee Tech University Council of the International Reading Association (IRA)

    Upper Cumberland Literacy Association

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