Tennessee Early Childhood Training Alliance (TECTA) - About US


  • TECTA Services

    The Tennessee Early Childhood Training Alliance (TECTA) represents the first statewide early childhood training and professional recognition system in the nation administered by higher education to include orientation training through advanced degree programs. The TECTA statewide training system is based upon the belief that early childhood education personnel need professional knowledge and skills to provide appropriate care for young children. The primary goal is improving the quality of early childhood education by providing articulated preparation programs.

    TECTA involves child care providers, higher education, professional associations, state agencies, the business community, and parents.

  • TECTA State Office

    The TECTA statewide office is located in Suite 1B of the Research and Sponsored Programs Building on the main campus of Tennessee State University (Center of Excellence for Learning Sciences) in Nashville, Tennessee

    The TECTA system is based on the belief that all early childhood education personnel need to acquire the professional knowledge and skills that will assist them in providing quality care and education for young children.


    The TECTA Articulated Professional Development system was established in 1992 by TSU’s Center of Excellence for Basic Skills, renamed Center of Excellence for Learning Sciences (COELS) in January 2007. The COELS serves as the statewide managing agent and provides research and development support. The TECTA Program works with selected Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) colleges and universities to provide professional development and academic programs leading to professional credentials and degrees in Early Childhood Education. In addition, the partner institutions collaborate with local early care and education programs, professional organizations, community agencies, businesses, industries, and families to ensure that the training and education needs of state-regulated early care and education programs are fully met

    THERE ARE CONSORTIA OF HIGHER EDUCATION institutions that serve child care providers in all ninety-five Tennessee counties. TECTA STATEWIDE MAP

  • TECTA Support

    TECTA is supported by the Tennessee Department of Human Services and the Tennessee Board of Regents. Management, training and technical assistance are provided by Tennessee State University.

  • TECTA Service Area

    TECTA @ TN Tech service area includes:

    Cannon, Clay, Cumberland, DeKalb, Fentress, Jackson, Macon, Overton, Pickett, Putnam, Smith, Van Buren, Warren, and White

This project is funded through a contract with The Tennessee Department of Human Services and Tennessee State University, Center of Excellence for Learning Sciences.

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