Why Study Mathematics?
Why study Mathematics? Because it's fun and can prepare you for a variety of excellent careers! If you like solving puzzles and figuring things out, then a mathematics major may interest you. In addition, applications of mathematics are everywhere and a strong background in mathematics can help you in many different careers.
The sections below provide information about careers in mathematics and the opportunities available to our mathematics majors.
The following links are to pages that provide information about the careers available
to students of mathematics.
American Statistical Association
Mathematical Association of America
Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
Undergraduate Research
If you are considering graduate school in mathematics, you should think about participating
in some research as an undergraduate. There are opportunities to do so with professors
in our department or at other institutions during the summer at an REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates). REUs are usually four to eight weeks long and typically pay the student a stipend.