Physics Alumnus
Stan Paulauskas
B.S. Physics
Stan Paulauskas graduated with a B.S. in Physics in 2007. Building on contacts made during his research internships in the Physics Department, he earned a PhD in Nuclear Physics from The University of Tennessee at Knoxville, and then had two research-based postdoctoral positions. He pivoted into industry, applying all his acquired data analytics skills as a data scientist. He currently works as a Solutions Architect for XIA LLC, a small high-tech firm that develops data acquisition and processing systems for a wide range of applications.
Stan says that Tennessee Tech's physics program provided critical opportunities and training he has used to reach his current position, “My professors taught both physics and critical thinking skills. These skills have proven invaluable in my career. My senior lab presentations taught me two valuable lessons. First, make sure that your claims are consistent with your data. Second, never be afraid to say, 'I don’t know.' There’s almost always somebody who does.”
Stan’s next goal is to become a Chief Information Officer for a company, which he thinks he can attain "due to the care and passion I found in TTU's physics department”.