Human Resources - Internal vs. External Postings

Human Resources

Internal vs. External Postings

All vacant positions must be advertised either internally or externally, absent a direct hire (see Policy 601). Most positions will be advertised as an external posting, which means it is open to the general public to apply. However, there are times when an internal posting is appropriate. Internal postings are open to Tennessee Tech employees regardless of classification.

Internal postings may be requested if:

  • Qualified internal candidates have been identified; and
  • Business needs supersede the need to advertise externally.

A memo with the appropriate justification must be approved by the Associate Vice President for Human Resources prior to advertising an internal posting. It is important that departments use a variety of internal and external recruitment methods for vacant positions. As such, Human Resources will review the request and determine whether or not it is appropriate for the requested vacant position. Internal postings should be the exception and not the norm to advertising vacant positions.

Employees are eligible to apply for internal positions provided that

  • They meet the qualifications of the new position;
  • They have held their current position for a minimum of 6 months;
  • They have had satisfactory performance in their current position; and
  • They are not on an active Performance Improvement Plan.

It is advisable for an employee to notify his/her immediate supervisor when applying for any position on campus.

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