Faculty and Staff of Human Ecology
Melinda Anderson
Director, School of Human Ecology
Email: MAnderson@tntech.edu
Phone: 931-372-3378
Office: Oakley Hall (OKLY) 106
Darci Bell
Community Health and Nutrition Graduate Program
Email: darcibell@tntech.edu
Phone: 931-372-3946
Office: Oakley Hall (OKLY) 211
Amber Buckner
Experiential Learning Coordinator
Community Health and Nutrition Graduate Program
Email: aebuckner@tntech.edu
Phone: 931-372-3946
Office: Oakley Hall (OKLY) 211

Rufaro Chityo
Associate Professor, Human Development and Family Science
Email: RChitiyo@tntech.edu
Phone: 931-372-6847
Office: Oakley Hall (OKLY) 110
Allison Coutinho
Lecturer, Nutrition and Dietetics
Email: acoutinho@tntech.edu
Phone: 931-372-6157
Office: Oakley Hall (OKLY) 108
Aeric Gunnels
Lecturer, Architecture and Interior Design
Email: agunnels@tntech.edu
Phone: 931-372-3376
Office: Oakley Hall (OKLY) 231
Samantha Hutson
Graduate Program Director
MS in Community Health & Nutrition
Assistant Professor, Nutrition and Dietetics
Email: shutson@tntech.edu
Phone: 931-372-3865
Office: Oakley Hall (OKLY) 211
Elizabeth Ramsey
Assistant Professor, Human Development and Family Science
Email: eramsey@tntech.edu
Phone: 931-372-6483
Office: Oakley Hall ( OKLY) 107
Leann Shipley
Professor, Human Development and Family Science
Email: lshipley@tntech.edu
Phone: 931-372-3867
Office: Oakley Hall (OKLY) 112
Cara Sisk
Associate Professor, Child Life
Email: csisk@tntech.edu
Phone: 931-372-6017
Office: Oakley Hall (OKLY) 117
Hannah Upole
Associate Professor, Merchandising and Design
Email: hupole@tntech.edu
Phone: 931-372-6066
Office: Oakley Hall (OKLY) 219
Cheyenne Lewis
Administrative Associate 4, School of Human Ecology
Email: cheyennelewis@tntech.edu
Phone: 931-372-3157
Office: Oakley Hall (OKLY) 105
Emeriti Faculty
Sue Bailey
Emeritus Faculty, School of Human Ecology
Cathy Cunningham
Emeritus Faculty, School of Human Ecology
Email: chix@tntech.edu
Lizabeth Self-Mullens
Emeritus Faculty, School of Human Ecology
Email: glsmullens@gmail.com
Melinda Swafford
Emeritus Faculty, School of Human Ecology
Email: mswafford@tntech.edu