Academic Council

Academic Council


The Academic Council assists the president of Tennessee Technological University as follows:

A. By proposing actions to be taken, or legislating when authorized, on matters which relate to
the total field of instruction. Such matters would include, inter alia, the following: freshman
orientation, advisement, improvement of instruction, honor and probationary student loads,
degree and degree requirements, testing programs, curricular needs, scholarships and
awards, registration procedures, faculty workshops, institutional policies relating to class
attendance, adding and dropping courses, and security of examinations.

B. By receiving reports from and/or reviewing actions of and/or directing actions to be taken by
the Admissions and Credits Committee; Committee on Commencement, Convocations, and
Academic Ceremonies; Faculty Development Steering Committee; Faculty Research
Committee; Graduate Studies Executive Committee; Teacher Education Committee;
University Curriculum Committee; University Library Committee; University Research
Advisory Committee; and such other committees as may be designated. The Academic
Council may, in reviewing particular actions of the various committees reporting to it, direct
further study by these committees pertaining to these actions.

C. By meeting in joint session with the Administrative Council as the University Assembly for
Tennessee Tech University to consider such matters as may be designated by the President
for review by the Assembly.



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