College of Business - Accounting - Online Courses FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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» Enrolling for Courses
» Taking the CPA Exam
» About Tech's Online Accounting Courses

Enrolling for Courses

Can I earn a business degree with a major in accounting online from Tennessee Tech?

It depends. If a student is earning their first degree or if a student has a previous degree in an area other than business, the student will not be able to earn a degree in business with a major in accounting online from Tennessee Tech. While the accounting courses necessary for a major in accounting ARE available online from Tennessee Tech, the business courses necessary to complete the rest of the business degree are not available online.

If a student already has a baccalaureate business degree from Tennessee Tech or another AACSB accredited institution, then completing the requirements for the second degree with a major in accounting may be possible, depending on the prior coursework a student has taken.

What are the requirements for a second degree with a major in Accounting?

If your first degree is a BSBA from Tennessee Tech University, all a student needs to do is complete the Accounting major requirements to earn the 2nd degree.  If your first degree is not a BSBA from Tennessee Tech or is from another University, you will be required to complete a minimum of 30 hours “in residence” at Tech.

If you already have an undergraduate Bachelor’s degree and want to earn a second degree with a major in Accounting, Tennessee Tech requires the following:

  1. The student must apply to and be accepted as a student at Tennessee Technological University.
  2. The student must complete all of the requirements of the underlying BSBA degree at Tennessee Tech.

The student must complete all of the requirements of the Accounting major.

I have an Associate's Degree from a 2-year institution. May I apply my undergraduate accounting courses toward a B.S. degree?

Yes, but students transferring to Tennessee Tech from 2-year institutions should make an appointment with the College of Business' Student Success Center for evaluation of work completed to date and recommendations on how to complete Tennessee Tech's degree requirements.

When are the Deadlines?

New online students must (1) be accepted for admission or re-admission by the Tennessee Tech Admissions Office, and (2) have an official transcript delivered directly to the Accounting department NO LATER than the following deadline: Six weeks prior to start of classes, as shown on the Tennessee Tech Academic Calendar.

Does the Department of Accounting provide academic advising?

Students seeking a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a major in Accounting are assigned an Accounting Professor as their academic advisor. An academic advisor (along with the Accounting departmental office) assists Accounting majors in meeting the requirements of the major, informing students about the broad variety of departmental activities and events, and by making students aware of the job market for graduates and recruiting activities. Accounting majors are automatically included on the department's electronic (email) distribution lists and will receive all Accounting department email sent to Accounting majors.

Students not seeking a degree with a major in Accounting will be classified as "Special Program - Non Degree." These students will not receive an assigned academic advisor from the Accounting Faculty, but they are welcomed to ask for advice from the Chair of the Accounting Department.

How difficult is the program?

Tennessee Tech’s undergraduate accounting program is academically demanding.  However, if you apply a healthy commitment to your studies and maintain proper study discipline, our experienced faculty will successfully shepherd you through the process.

What are the prerequisites for taking your junior and senior-level online accounting courses?

Six hours of accounting principles, which is the basic accounting requirement at most universities for a business degree. Six hours of accounting are available via most all Colleges of Business and also via the State of Tennessee's TN eCampus program. In addition, Intermediate Financial Accounting I (ACCT 3170) is a required prerequisite for Audit, Taxation, and Intermediate Financial Accounting II.

Is a formal application for admission required?

Yes. Apply for admission to the university and indicate whether you are seeking a second degree in Accounting or are applying as a non-degree seeking student. Then notify the department (, giving the same information. If applying as an Accounting major, the department will assign an advisor and provide your registration codes. If a non-degree seeking student, your advisor will be in General Curriculum. You will contact that office for advising and registration codes.

Can I speak to an advisor prior to actually enrolling in the program?

Yes. You may provide unofficial transcripts for evaluation and speak with an Accounting advisor. However, an official transcript will be required before you may enroll in Accounting classes (see deadline in first Paragraph above). If your previous coursework was entirely at Tennessee Tech, transcript information in Tennessee Tech's student information system will be considered the equivalent of an official transcript.

Where can I find information on Tennessee Tech's graduation requirements, transfer credit policies, and other registration and records requirements?

A wealth of information is available at Tennessee Tech records and registration and via Tennessee Tech's Undergraduate Catalog.

Taking the CPA Exam

What are Tennessee's general requirements to sit for the Uniform CPA Examination?

Thirty semester hours of accounting (of which 24 hours must be at the junior, senior, or graduate level), twenty four semester hours of other business courses, and 150 total semester hours.

How do I get an authoritative answer as to just what is required to sit for the CPA exam in Tennessee?

The National Association of State Boards of Accountancy currently administers the exam for Tennessee and provides a wealth of educational and other information online. Some questions may be answered by the Tennessee State Board of Accountancy web site. In addition, you may phone the State Board of Accountancy at 615-741-2550.

Where may I complete the 24 hours of business (non-accounting) courses required to sit for the CPA examination? Or accumulate the total 150 semester hours required by the State Board to sit the CPA exam?

There are several options. You may take on-ground or online courses at an accredited university near you. Alternatively, you may take courses via Tennessee's TN eCampus program. Some non-accounting business courses are offered by Tennessee Tech's EF&M (Econ, Finance, and Marketing) and DS&M (Decision Sciences & Management) departments. See Tennessee Tech's Listing of Courses and select the appropriate term. Online courses are marked as section 500 (for undergraduate online courses) or as Section M10 (for graduate-level online courses).

About Tech's Online Accounting Courses

May I commence taking Tennessee Tech's online undergraduate courses at any time of the year?

Our courses are offered consistent with Tennessee Tech Academic Calendar. Tennessee Tech's fall semester begins in mid-to-late August, the spring semester begins in mid-January, and summer courses begin in late May or early June. See the Schedule of Courses in Eagle Online, available in Tech Express, for courses offered each semester.

Is there a long-range schedule of just when the online undergraduate courses will be offered by Tennessee Tech?

There is not a strict schedule. However, the tentative plan is to offer several courses each summer and one or two courses during regular semesters (Fall and Spring). See the Schedule of Courses in Eagle Online, available in Tech Express, to see exactly what will be offered during a given semester.

Are these courses totally online?

Online Accounting courses at Tennessee Tech are offered 100% online. No on-campus contacts are required. Video and/or narrated slideshows are all available online. Homework assignments are submitted online. Quizzes and examinations are all totally online, though some instructors require online monitoring while taking exams (this may require an additional fee per exam). Instructors are available to interact with you (email) online.

What is the general format for these courses?

The courses are similar to on-ground courses in that you will be required to purchase a textbook (and sometimes other materials). Generally, there is an online multimedia show (lecture) provided that serves as a substitute for a traditional lecture in a classroom. Some professors give an open-book quiz for each chapter covered. You are required to submit assignments online at specified due dates. Online exams replace traditional in-class exams.

Are online tests really valid?

Much like highly technical, real-world accounting work, your tests will often be open-book. In addition, your instructor may allow you to use other resource materials. Examination questions are generally drawn from a database of questions which results in your exam being different from that of all other students in the online courses. You are provided a window of time to complete exams; for example, 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. at night. In addition, some instructors will require online, real-time monitoring of students while they are taking exams. We consider online testing in step with the way highly technical accounting work is completed in business, and therefore, valid.

What about interaction with professors?

Your professor will be available via email. Most of our professors answer emails within 24 hours and departmental policy requires that emails be answered within 2 working days.

Will my professor keep me informed of my grades?

All of our online courses make use of electronic gradebooks that allow students to conveniently check grades at any time.

What are the qualifications of your online faculty?

Online students can count on highly qualified professors since the Tennessee Tech Accounting Department has separate AACSB accounting accreditation (which requires highly qualified faculty).

Are online accounting courses more difficult than on-campus accounting courses?

Departmental policy is that our online courses are neither more nor less difficult than traditional on campus courses. However, online courses differ from traditional courses in several respects. Most importantly, online courses require that students be highly disciplined and self-motivated. Online courses are not for everyone.

What about interaction with other students?

Your professor will be available by email, in-person, and often via online conferencing.  Professors are encouraged to answer all student emails within 24 hours or as soon as possible.  In addition, many professors offer virtual office hours in addition to their traditional on-campus office hours.

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