
Academic Support & Mentoring

The College of Engineering offers free academic support services staffed by trained, experienced engineering students to support undergraduate students in both their academic as well as personal success. Peer Tutoring is available by scheduling an appointment or by drop-in sessions. Supplemental Instruction (SI) is an academic assistance program consisting of regularly scheduled study sessions with trained peers. Two peer-mentoring programs are available: The Peer Mentoring Program serves ENGR 1020 students, providing connections and resources to experience a successful first year. Check out your options below!

Peer Tutoring

Students sitting at a table with a computerThe Peer Tutoring program is available by appointment and as a drop-in service, providing individual and small group tutoring to students. Trained peer tutors assist students in improving academic achievement by meeting with them on a regular basis to clarify learning problems, work on study skills through coaching, and assist the student in becoming a successful, independent learner. Other assistance might include reviewing class material, discussing the text, predicting test questions, formulating ideas for papers, or working on solutions to problems.

Spring 2024 SCHEDULE

  • Drop-In Tutoring

    Drop-in tutoring is housed in Clement 208, the main office for the Clay N. Hixson Student Success Center. Drop-in tutoring is scheduled by course title, with times published in The Bulletin at the beginning of each semester. The course-tutoring schedule is also posted on the digital bulletin boards throughout the college and inside the success center.

    To receive tutoring during drop-in hours, individual students or small groups of students can stop by 208 Clement during the scheduled hours and find available tutors stationed in the center.

  • Tutoring by Appointment

    Tutoring is available by appointment and takes priority over drop-in tutoring. You can guarantee a tutoring time by scheduling it in advance. All tutoring is housed in Clement 208, the main office for the Clay N. Hixson Student Success Center. To schedule a tutoring, visit your TechConnect portal to search for your course title and make an appointment.

  • Become a Peer Tutor

    Peer Tutors supplement classroom teaching, maintaining strict adherence to records, privacy, FERPA regulations and confidentiality while coaching students on improving academic achievement.


    • Must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 or higher.
    • Must be pursuing an undergraduate degree in the College of Engineering.
    • Responsible, dependable, honest, mature, and sensitive to a diversity of students.
    • Must be able to commit to up to 10 hours weekly for tutoring. Hours may include nights and/or weekends.
    • Must be able to attend mandatory training and meetings as scheduled. Must be willing to tutor in at least two of the following courses (grade on record must be an A or B and course must have been taken at TN Tech): CSC 1300, MATH 1710, MATH 1720, MATH 1730, MATH 1910, MATH 1920, MATH 2120, PHYS 2110, and other engineering/computer science courses as needed

    Preferred Characteristics and Skills

    • Disposition to help, prepare and teach others to achieve success.
    • Willingness to collaborate with a team.
    • Desire to learn
    • Excellent communication and customer service skills
    • Strong work ethic
    • Basic computer skills


    • Attend tutor training at the beginning of the semester
    • Provide face-to-face tutoring in the Student Success Center (CH 208) for drop-ins and appointments on a regular, weekly schedule (for a maximum of 10 hours per week)
    • Submit reports in Tech Connect following tutoring appointments


    • Tutors are paid $10 per hour (Max of 10 hours per week)

    If you are interested in applying to be an Tutor, please submit an application: 

    For more information contact Dr. Elizabeth Powell at 931-372-3540 or

Supplemental Instruction 

Spring 2024 SCHEDULE

  • About Supplemental Instruction

    Supplemental Instruction (SI) is an academic assistance program consisting of peer-assisted study sessions called recitations, facilitated by SI Leaders who have successful past experience with the course and attend all class lectures, take notes and act as model students.

    Recitations are scheduled, informal review sessions in which students compare notes, discuss readings, develop organizational tools and predict test items. Students learn how to integrate course content and study skills while working together.

    SI is a free service offered to all students in a targeted course considered challenging for most students. All students are encouraged to attend SI sessions, as it is a voluntary program. Students with varying levels of academic preparedness can participate.

    SI is national model* used at many universities, with data showing that, on average, students who attend receive half- to a full-letter grade higher than those who do not attend.

    ** The Clay N. Hixson Student Success Center follows the model developed by the University of Missouri-Kansas City and administered by UMKC trained supervisors.
  • Become a Supplemental Instruction Leader

    If you are someone looking for leadership experience, consider student employment as a Supplemental Instruction Leader.


    • Must have taken the class for which you are an SI Leader and passed with a grade of A or B
    • Must have the ability to communicate effectively


    • Attend SI Leader training at the beginning of the semester
    • Attend all course classes
    • Create lesson plans for SI sessions
    • Hold a minimum of 2 hours of out-of-class sessions each week


    • SI Leaders are paid $10 per hour (Max of 10 hours per week)

    If you are interested in applying to be an SI Leader, please submit an application: 

    For more information contact Dr. Elizabeth Powell at 931-372-3540 or

Peer Mentoring

The Clay N. Hixson Student Success Center offers peer-mentoring programs for undergraduate students to connect them with upper-level students who can serve as role models, mentors and guides to ensure both academic and personal success. The Peer Mentoring Program offers mentors for first-year students registered in ENGR 1020.

  • About the Peer Mentor Program

    The Clay N. Hixson Student Success Center Peer Mentor Program is structured to aid the transition of new students to Tennessee Tech University and the College of Engineering by assisting first-year students registered in ENGR 1020. Peer Mentors use their knowledge and experience on campus, in collaboration with ENGR instructors, to help first-year students navigate different challenges experienced during the first year of college, as well as connect them to other students, faculty and resources. Information about working with a Peer Mentor is providing in ENGR 1020 classes.

    Peer Mentors are matched with ENGR 1020 instructors to help facilitate classroom lectures, assignments and events. Peer Mentors will meet with their students outside of the classroom by attending campus events and fostering regular meetings to develop trust, a support system and friendships with their students.


    Responsibilities During the Fall Semester

    • Attend ENGR class meetings to work with instructors in assisting students with the program’s required curriculum
    • Foster trust through regular meetings
    • Expose students to campus resources to support academic success
    • Influence students to seek opportunities for involvement with campus organizations or academic honor societies


    Responsibilities During the Spring Semester

    • Stay engaged with the fall class and communicate CoE and campus programs that connect to academic, personal, and professional development
  • Become a Peer Mentor

    If you enjoy helping others and are looking for leadership experience, working as a Peer Mentor might be a good fit for you! The Center emails all students regularly to announce the openings, but interested students can also contact us to apply.


    • Gain leadership experience working with peers and new students
    • Learn about resources available to new students and yourself
    • Develop and foster relationships with College of Engineering faculty and staff
    • Create the possibility of future campus leadership opportunities



    • Must be pursuing an undergraduate degree in the College of Engineering.
    • Must be in good academic standing
    • Must be able to commit to 4 hours weekly for both fall AND spring semester
    • Must be able to attend mandatory training and meetings as scheduled


    Preferred Characteristics and Skills

    • Excellent math ability and potential to provide academic assistance in math courses
    • Willingness to collaborate with a team
    • Desire to learn
    • Excellent communication and customer service skills
    • Strong work ethic
    • Basic computer skills



    • Peer Mentors are paid a stipend of up to $750 per semester.

We're here. Let's talk.


Clay N. Hixson Student Success Center
Clement Hall 208


Monday through Friday
8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CT

Call or email:



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