Clan N. Hixson Student Success Center
The Bulletin
It's here! The first edition of The Bulletin hits your email this week! The Bulletin – formerly known as the eBlast – features the latest opportunities and need to know deadlines and other requirements for the college of engineering campus community at Tech. Check your email Tuesday mornings when classes are in session for the latest edition of the Bulletin.
Submit announcements to The Bulletin here.
Is it an Event or Announcement?
An Announcement…
- special events—guest lecturers, seminars, workshops
- provides information—reminders, new/updated programs, etc.
- shares opportunities—job postings, volunteer opportunities, scholarships
An Event...
- occurs on a specific date (or dates, for recurring events)
- has specific start and end date and time or occurs “All Day”
- student organizations— meetings/events like game night, recruitment information
Submit events to the College of Engineering Calendar of Events here.