Computer Science
Survey: Social Engineering and Software Security on Campus
98% of Cyber Attacks involve some form of Social Engineering. Do you feel safe? Dr. Denis Ulybyshev and Master's Candidate David Feier are looking to potentially hold a seminar or training in Social Engineering and Software Security. However, we need your help to know what material to cover. If you would like to help us learn more about how well Tennessee Tech students and employees know about Social Engineering and Software Security, we have a brief survey (23-30 minutes) you can complete to assist us. The results may be used to structure a course or a training seminar that will be released during Cyber Awareness Month (October). Furthermore, survey results may be used to justify the need for developing tools and methodologies for software vulnerability management in automatic and continuous mode.
The link to the survey:
If you have any questions about this please feel free to reach out to David Feier at