College of Engineering
Bulletin for Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2023
Lots of exciting changes this year! Check out the E-Week 2023 Handbook and learn all about them here
Donut Stop!
Brown Hall lobby – 2nd floor, have a donut and talk with an advisor.
Blood Drive
hosted by Tau Beta PiTau Beta Pi is hosting a blood drive through Blood Assurance. The bloodmobile is coming to campus to make it easy to donate. Anyone is welcome to join, and all donors can receive a free t-shirt. Water and snacks will also be provided. Walk-ins are available, or use the link provided to sign up for a specific time slot.
Career Development Events
- Writing My First Resume - Gold Career Readiness Events: Freshmen & Sophomores
- Careers n’ Coffee with TTL, Inc.
- Employer Spotlight featuring The Washington Center
- Where Do My Skills Come From? - Purple Career Readiness Events: Juniors & Seniors
- The Washington Center Information Session
Seminars & Workshops
- CS Graduate Student Club Spring 2023 Seminar Series: “Encryption secret key generation using 5G wireless channel.”
- Eagle Works Getting Ready for the Tradeshow!
- Undergraduate STEM Research Seminar: Benjamin Luna, Clemson University
Student Orgs Meetings & More
- Game Development Club Meeting
- ARC Meeting
- SEDS Meeting
- Movie Night with TN Tech Lambda
- ACM-W Meeting
- TN Tech Water Pros & EWB Meeting
Student Success Center