
School of Agriculture

Cattle Operation

Agriculture student riding a horse while monitoring cows.
The Oakley Farm cattle herd is comprised of approximately 350 Angus cross commercial cows. Calves are born in the spring, conditioned in a backgrounding yard, and then sold to a feedyard.

Calves are the result of using profit-oriented sires via artificial insemination as well as natural service. Sexed-semen and conventional semen has been used to produce moderate frame, practical females. Terminal SimAngus bulls are used to produce calves with more post-weaning performance and carcass value.   

Tennessee Tech students can get real hands-on experience working and learning on a real life cattle operation. There are a number of opportunities for students with a wide range of interests including:

Agriculture students riding hourses.• Cattle Breeding and Genetics
• Growth and Feed Efficiency
• Artificial Insemination
• Replacement Heifer Development
• Pasture Management
• Water Quality
• Wildlife

This is one of the best educational farms in the country!

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College of Agriculture and Human Ecology