Instructional Technology

Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning

Instructional Technology 

The Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning (CITL) provides assistance on a number of supported instructional technologies. Visit the CITL's Supported Instructional Technology page to view a full list. 

The CITL provides consultations to assist faculty in using innovative methods and technology in their classrooms. Included in these consultations are: 

iLearn Support and Assistance - Our Instructional Technology Specialists are available to assist faculty in helping them create, adjust, and improve courses in our Learning Management System (iLearn), as well as transition courses to online or add important online elements to make courses more accessible. 

Lecture Presentations - There are a variety of options for presenting course materials in a lecture format. From presenting in a virtual setting  to a lecture hall, or a combination of the two, our Instructional Technologists can assist you in figuring out what technology will help you keep students engaged and share your content effectively.  

Accessibility - Accessibility is an essential element of any course. It is critical that not only is course content accessible, but there is an ever-growing need for teaching and learning to be accessible as well. From ensuring your course materials are accessible, to how they are presented, shared, and stored, our team of Instructional Technology Specialists is available to assist you in finding the best solutions for your course.  

Grant Consultations - Innovation through technology implementation is a key aspect to improving higher education. Our team of Instructional Technology Specialists is available to help you find new and innovative ways to implement technology into your classroom.

Find your school or college below and use the Book Now button to schedule a course design consultation with a member of our staff. 

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